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学习一些漂亮的玩笔技巧。Learn some nifty pen-flicking tricks.

星星就像俏皮的小毛孩,一般让人喜爱。Stars like the nifty Xiaomao Hai, the general people love.

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这是一个对于热心用户可以派上用场的精巧功能。This is a nifty feature that can come in handy for avid users.

我会做我的朋友们做不了的巧妙新颖的动作,这给了我信心。It gave me confidence because I could do nifty tricks my friends couldn’t do.

这个漂亮的小工具,还可以播放录音带给你,似曾相识,似曾相识的经验。This nifty gadget can also play cassettes to give you that déjà-vu experience.

本文我将向你展示如何轻松实现自己漂亮的事件系统。I'll show you how to implement your own nifty event system with very little fuss.

双重回音通过使用一流的许可方式来解决这个问题。Echoecho routes around this problem by using a very nifty permission-based solution.

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一旦有了上面介绍的这10种时尚好看又实用的移动办公小帮手,将会更好地帮助用户管理自己的移动工作室。There you have it, a list of 10 nifty gadgets to help you manage a mobile workspace.

小说家詹姆斯·斯考特·贝尔利用一个叫做“350词”的技巧来完成这个目标。Novelist James Scott Bell uses a technique called “the nifty 350” to accomplish this.

程序同样有着一个上传照片的选项,可以对研究提供很好的帮助。There is also the option of uploading photos, which is pretty nifty for a research study.

如果你没有做得刚刚好,那么你会失去所有帮助你导航的漂亮的编辑器控件。If not done just right you lose all the nifty editor decorations that help with navigation.

环绕的皮带金属扣,为皮靴增加了一丝俏皮。The leather belt metal that surround is buckled , the boots that it is a skin increased nifty.

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书中巧妙的想象和语言有一点倾向于年龄大点的人,因此这是一本很好的可以和孩子一起读的书。The conceit and the language skew a little older, so this is a nifty book to read with your kids.

也好,Facebook和智能手机也好,它们只是工具,归根结底,它们的目的是为了使生活更加便捷。Match, Facebook, and that nifty smartphone are just tools -- means to ends -- intended to make life easier.

你们看到的那模型还只是半成品,所以就某种意义上讲,这就是搞数据挖掘的下场。The model you've seen isn't final, so in that sense it is a nifty consequence of looking at data-mined art.

印度股市午盘初延续早盘跌势,标准普尔CNX轻巧指数下跌刷新一日新低。The market extended decline in early afternoon trade, with the S&P CNX Nifty sliding to a fresh intraday low.

不到半个小时一个漂漂亮亮的自制蛋糕就出现在眼前,这真是一个快乐的新年!Less than half an hour a nifty bright homemade cake will appear in the present, this is really a happy New Year!

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但是要想设计出一种方法来判断这些巧妙的优化方法到底多有效,这条路并不平坦。The road to deciding on exactly how to measure the effects of all of these nifty optimizations wasn't so smooth.

但他一个妙传给卡特的三分使得掘金打出了14-7的小高潮并以52-46领先进入下半场。He did, however, have a nifty assist on Carter's 3-pointer that ignited a 14-7 run that gave Denver a 52-46 halftime lead.

稍后,我偷偷溜进洗衣房拿走了那个电动刮毛器,当我把那个漂亮的小玩意放在我的胯部的时候我尖叫了起来。Later on I sneaked into the laundry room to "borrow" it and the moment I put the nifty little gadget on my crotch I SCREAMED.