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翻译他反对奢侈摆阔。He objected on principle to luxury and ostentation.

“炫学者”,不合季节卖弄学问的人。Pedantry is the unseasonable ostentation of learning.

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他们女儿大办婚事纯然是为了炫耀。Their daughter's wedding reception was sheer ostentation.

他们女儿大办婚事纯然是为了炫耀。Their daughter's wedding reception was sheer ostentation.

除去你的贪心,放弃你所炫耀的爱好。Forsake your greed, abandon your appetites of ostentation.

那些到处卖弄公然逾越社交规范的人。Those who publicly overstep the mark by their ostentation.

有多少虚饰夸张的意象只是这种假面具!How many images full of ostentation are only masks of this sort!

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他忽视那时代公开的虚饰,就像私人的不幸一样。He ignored the public ostentation of his time, as well as the private misery.

在我的作品中,我的动机和权力、争夺、恐怖控制、虚饰卖弄有关。In my works, I use motifs relating to power, jostling , territorial control and ostentation.

她有一份小小的财产,已经大吹大擂地捐给一个宗教团体了。She had a small property, which she bequeathed with much ostentation to a religious community.

他们甚至通过法律的形式来制约那些奢侈浪费、好讲排场的恶劣行径。They even adopted the form of legal constraints that extravagance and waste, and stresses the bad acts of ostentation.

不羡慕浮华,不追求时髦。寂静中孕育哲思,风雨里迎接考验。I don't envy ostentation , not seek after vogue. Quietly, I am pregnant with philosophical thought and meet tests in storm.

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一个艺人对工作、形象、歌艺、表演,甚至是排场的要求,就是他要努力经营的灵魂。A pair of artists, image, singing, performing, or even the ostentation and extravagance, he is the soul of business efforts.

在人们追逐的风潮中,我看到了艺术信念的退化与追逐名利的轻狂。In the fashion-sought background, I have found the degeneration of art belief and the ostentation and hubris in chasing of fame and gain.

在中国,这样的排场还很少有,并不寻常,那里的人均能源消耗还只是美国人的四分之一。Such ostentation is the exception rather than the norm in China, where the average person's energy use is still only a quarter that in the US.

达尔文注意到,大多数动物都是由雌性选择雄性——其择偶的标准,是雄性吸引雌性的羽饰及炫耀的姿态。In most animal species, Darwin noted, females do the choosing—basing their decision on the ornamentation and ostentation males use to attract them.

大多数人不可能每天在健身房花上四五个小时,练就完美身材,在食品丰富的国家让自己挨饿不过是出风头。Most people can't spend the four or five hours a day in the gym that you need to have a perfect body, and starving yourself in a country where food is plentiful is a kind of ostentation.