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不同的是,其非法性对意大利人有一定的吸引力。By contrast, illegality is part of the appeal in Italy.

第一部分,对“侵权行为”和“违法性”的重新解读。The first part re-interpretate "tort" and "illegality".

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据称这种做法还难以确认其非法性。This practice is difficult to confirm its alleged illegality.

关于它的违法,我们应该在讨论中得到答案。We’d better have an answer in the debate about its illegality.

与非法密切联系的一个概念是显失公平。Closely related to illegality is the concept of unconscionability.

违法性,应当成为侵权构成之独立要件。Illegality should be an independent element of the tort composition.

在检查官的眼里,这再次成为非法的,或至少非法迹象开始露头。Then again, illegality is — or at least begins — in the eye of the prosecutor.

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符合构成要件的行为,在通常情况下具有违法性。The act according with constitutive requirements has illegality under common circumstance.

他还说,这种“非法性质剥削利用廉价劳动力,养活了一大批地下经济体。”Illegality feeds “a massive underground economy that exploits a cheap source of labor,” Mr.

贾布瓦的穷人们表示,这只不过是渗透进配给系统的非法手段之一。Illegality and bribery permeate the food distribution system, according to people in Jhabua.

传统上对赔偿与补偿的界限的认识,都从违法性开始。Traditionally, the difference between indemnity and compensation begins with the illegality.

卢安克所做的一切光明正大,他决不会在“非法”的阴影中做任何事情。Everything Loewe has done he has done openly. Nothing he does bears the shadow of illegality.

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在进行违法性判断时,既要考虑结果无价值,也要考虑行为无价值。The judgement of illegality must consider both consequence without value and act without value.

实质的违法性认识与形式的违法性认识通常互为表里。Knowledge of essential illegality and knowledge of formal illegality is outside and inside each other.

形式的违法性认识既影响罪之成立,又影响刑之轻重。Knowledge of formal illegality influences not only constitution of crime but also weight of punishment.

三明知原行政处分违法或因重大过失而不知者。Acknowledge of the illegality of the administrative action or lack of such acknowledge due to gross negligent.

会计信息失真包括规则性失真、违法性失真和技术性失真。The author thinks the affectations of the accounting messages include regularity, illegality and technical means.

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实质的违法性认识即社会危害性认识也是过失犯罪的成立必须联系的一个因素。Knowledge of essential illegality is also one of the elements that relates to the constitution of negligent crime.

现任澳门反贪污暨反行政违法性高级专员公署副高级专员。Serves now as Deputy High Commissioner in the High Commissioner's Office Against Corruption of Administrative Illegality.

可罚的违法性是指具有作为犯罪而科处刑罚程度的质与量的违法性。The punishable illegality is defined as illegality which deserves punishment of penalty both in the quality and quantity.