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这个组中的每个问题都被证明是由动态分析所开发利用的。Each issue in this group is proven to be exploitable by dynamic analysis.

在澳大利亚,尚未发现可开采的含铀砾岩。In Australia no exploitable uraniferous conglomerate has been discovered.

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所有您的程序没有考虑到的输入数据都有可能导致以后被利用。Any input data that your program isn't prepared for may be exploitable later.

研究认为,杜仲黄酮具有广泛的应用前景和较大的开发价值。The results showed that Eucommia ulmoides flavonoids is of great exploitable value.

只讲一点第二季度收益数字透露的可资利用的动态。Just some exploitable trends that are emerging from the second-quarter earnings numbers.

该许可证甚至允许您在本代码的基础上建造商业性可用的新产品。The license even lets you build commercially exploitable new products based on the code.

我们即将用尽便宜又容易开采的磷矿。We are running out of phosphorus deposits that are relatively easily and cheaply exploitable.

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鄱阳湖区自然资源比较丰富,开发潜力大。Poyang Lake district is rich in natural resources and has enormous exploitable potentialities.

但是当漏洞只被内部应用程序利用时,我们就会列出“I”。We do, however, list "I" when the vulnerability is uniquely exploitable by internal applications.

中国可采储量达26万亿立方米,相当于在美国发现的数量。China has exploitable reserves of 26 trillion cubic meters, as much as that found in the United States.

但是,不到四个月,又发现了另一个手动审查时遗漏的可利用的缓冲区溢位。But not four months later, yet another exploitable buffer overflow was discovered that the manual audit missed.

未探明矿区,是指未发现探明经济可采储量的矿区。A unproved mining area refers to a mining area in which no economically exploitable reserve has been proved yet.

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这可以很容易地导致库使用环境变量去做意想不到的事情,有可能被利用。This can easily lead libraries using the environment variables to do unexpected things, which may be exploitable.

主要通过合作的方式对后湖地区的如农民新村、可开发用地资源等进行开发建设。New village of farmer and exploitable land use resource, etc are to be developed and constructed by means of cooperation.

纽曼的偶然发现使牧场主认识了大平原北部牧区的开发价值。Ranchers realized exploitable value of pastoral areas in the northern Great Plains from F. S. Newman's accidental discovery.

未探明矿区,是指未发现探明经济可采储量的矿区。An unproved mining area refers to a mining area in which no economically exploitable reserve has been discovered and proved yet.

承上题,当其差额是该公司未来的经济开发而形成的,应使用哪种投资策略?。Corresponding to the above question, which investment strategy should be used when price deviations are economically exploitable?

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除非显式禁用了最佳映射,否则代码可能由于此问题而包含可利用的安全漏洞。Unless you explicitly disable best-fit mapping, your code might contain an exploitable security vulnerability because of this issue.

从逃税到破解遗传因子,没什么能比在如此复杂的系统中找到一个有用的漏洞更困难。From sweet tax dodges to life-extending gene hacks, there's nothing like finding an exploitable weakness in an intensely complicated system.

新疆棕色林蚁氨基酸与维生素含量丰富,各氨基酸间结构较为合理,其综合应用的开发前景十分广阔。Of xinjiang are eutrophy , and the proportion of amino acids are rational. its combinational applicable exploitable perspective will be wide.