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我有点发烧,还流鼻涕。He has a slight fever.

马丽是一个苗条的女孩。Mary is a slight girl.

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她是个瘦小的人儿。She was a slight thing.

他腰有点发酸。He has a slight backache.

她发现左乳有个硬肿块。A slight swelling or lump.

脚部轻微烤漆不良。Slight poor painting at leg.

左臂分开的更多。Left arm abducts slight more.

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即便是轻微的伤,我们也会死去!One slight bruise and we die!

他略微有些山东口音。He has a slight Shandong accent.

电击,对“XXX”进行“轻微电击”Shocks, "slight shock" to "XXX."

现在有一点误解。Now that's a slight misstatement.

轻微丝印不良。Slight poor silk screen printing.

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我就该跑去办公室了?Sorry, a slight misstatement, OK?

乔里恩站起来微微一鞠躬。Jolyon rose and made a slight bow.

他的侮辱仍然使我无法忍受。His slight still sticks in my craw.

有一些细微的变化。There is a slight variant on there.

现在她的名声上,没有什么污点。There is now no slight on her name.

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他呼吸时胸部发出轻微的响声。He has a slight wheeze in his chest.

现在大家不那么紧张了吧So everyone's in a slight panic now.

这有点过于简单化了。This is a slight oversimplification.