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部分起源于日尔曼语。Partly of Germanic origin.

Selzer的部分观点可能是正确的。Selzer may be partly right.

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部分是因为他们能力不够。Partly because they couldn't.

这米饭有点夹生。The rice is partly underdone.

油路部分堵塞了。The oil passage is partly blocked.

然后,他又将门半掩上。Then he partly closed the door again.

部份原因归结于这个国家的国土面积。Partly due to the size of the country.

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但这个预言只是部分地实现了。But this forecast was only partly true.

维生素C组可部分阻断毒素的作用。Vit C can partly block effect of toxin.

穿了一件半新不旧的上衣。Today he is wearing a partly new jacket.

对汇率闭口不谈一部分是出于恐惧。That restraint was driven partly by fear.

清洁时使用半干拖布。Use when cleanness work partly pull cloth.

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她讲这个部分归结于简单的生物。She puts this partly down to simple biology.

有一部分的描写是基于现实的,伊根说。That was based partly in reality, Egan said.

但是,这恰恰是开展这场对话的原因之一。But that is partly what this dialogue is about.

Kwarteng先生的这些野心只是局部实现了。Mr Kwarteng’s ambitions are only partly achieved.

动名词部分当作名词,部分当作动词。Gerund is used partly as a noun, partly as a verb.

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这是其他支出双倍增长的部分原因。That's partly why the expenses for others doubled.

这地一半是木板的,一半是石头的。The floor was partly of board and partly of stone.

并对SW6-98的部分计算功能作了简单介绍。The function of SW6-98 was also partly introduced.