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真可惜。If only.

如果平局就掷硬币Flip if tie.

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假如那是真爱。If it is real.

假如我爱上了你。If I loved you.

要是我成了富人。If I were rich.

这是个很大的假设。It is a big if.

人们在乎“如果”。People care if.

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如果这个棍。if this sticks.

我这里做了些什么?If I could type.

如果你确定的话。If you are sure.

你是否信任我?If you trust me?

我抽烟您介意吗?Mind if I smoke?

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想骂谁就骂谁。Swear if I want.

如果是,继续。If yes, continue.

要是您知道就好了!If you only knew!

要是下雨了怎么办?What if it rains?

如果失败了呢?And if that fails?

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一旦梦儿死亡。For if dreams die.

若是的话,那它又是什么?If so, what is it?

可是真的只是如果。But really only if.