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太空营。Space camp.

自由和空间。Freedom and space.

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我们存在于空间中。We exist in space.

空间的奥秘。The Arcanum of Space.

让你的空间大小适度。Right-size your space.

为啥之间没有空格?Why is there no space?

你们需要空间来成长。You need space to grow.

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美国空间规划“打乱”US space budget a “mess”

在书幽邃的星空下。In the book of the space.

巡行在空旷的宇宙。Traveling in empty space.

该死!我需要件太空服。Damn! I need a space suit.

为新空间起个名字。Give the new space a name.

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佛罗里达,肯尼迪航天中心——星期一,亚特兰蒂斯航天飞机已经入轨并与国际空间站对接。KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, Fla.

人类可以制造宇宙火箭。Man can made space rocket.

将自己的办公空间装点得更加明亮。Brighten your office space.

相对内存空间而言。Contrast with memory space.

首位中国宇航员太空漫游。First taikonaut space walk.

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给彼此一点空间。Leave a space to eachother.

空间创作宜使用淡色。Light colours create space.

停车位是空的。That parking space is free.