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真正的敬拜是要付代价的。Real worship costs.

财富能使人拜倒。Wealth makes worship.

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切勿崇拜偶像。To worship as an idol.

以谦卑的心敬拜。Worship with humility.

我们为此敬拜你。We worship You for this.

至圣者,我们敬拜你。Holy One, we worship You.

我渴望来敬拜你。And I long to worship Thee.

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佛教徒崇拜偶像吗?Do Buddhists Worship Idols?

安静的时候,敬拜主!Quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD.

安静的时刻,敬拜上主。Quiet moments, worship God.

周日要休息敬拜神,那是神的日子。Rest on God's day of worship.

十一奉献是尊崇神的行为表现。Tithing is an act of worship.

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我们从未敬拜一个被造之物。We do not worship a creature.

他们在什么日子做礼拜?What day did they worship on?

生命之粮,我们敬拜你。Bread of Life, we worship You.

信靠是敬拜的行动,就好象孩子信靠父母的爱与智慧,父母就快乐。Trusting is an act of worship.

在敬拜中,人会得著什麽?What does man gain in worship?

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我不再要那朵鲜花了。I no longer worship the flower.

敬拜不仅止于音乐。Worship is far more than music.

在敬拜中,神要得著什麽?What does God desire in worship?