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标准轨距?。Standard Gauge?

这么写很规范This much is standard.

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这是影视圈的准则。This is standard in TV.

这是圭表尺寸。This is a standard size.

标准事件的挂钩。Hooks for standard events.

什么是标准纱绞?What is the standard hank?

这看上去是标准的契约书。Look like a standard lease.

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这是你们的标准价吗?Is this your standard price?

然后十六间是标准房。The rest are standard rooms.

金属木杆现在是标准用杆。Metal woods are now standard.

这是现代的标准间。This is modern standard room.

应该使用什么标准?What standard should you use?

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您好,我要一个标准间。Hello, I want a standard room.

延期付款的标准.A Standard of Deferred Payment.

标准布线长度90米。And standard wiring length 90m.

我想预订一个标准间。I want to book a standard room.

标准差是多少What is the standard deviation?

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标准苹果远程控制?A standard Apple remote control?

我不想要一个标准设计。I do not want a standard design.

那么标准库如何呢?What about the standard library?