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他决不屈就和解。He would never stoop to conciliate.

他们用礼物来博得土著人的好感。They tried to conciliate the natives with presents.

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威廉宾恩很明智地要与印第安人修好。William Penn wisely tried to conciliate the Indians.

本土传统如何与现代诉求相调和?。How would indigenous tradition conciliate with modern appeal?

在这意见分歧的双方之间进行调解是几乎不可能的。It is nearly impossible to conciliate these two disagreeing parties.

我独爱着百合,她的淡雅她的清凉宽慰我心灵。Lily is my only love, whose coolness and elegance conciliate my soul.

这意味着试图接近调解该项目的“旧”与“新”。This meant approaching the project by trying to conciliate the "old" with the "new".

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他想向她解释,安慰她,但是他还是想先远离芝加哥再说。He wanted to explain and conciliate her, but he also wanted to be well out of Chicago.

第五十一条仲裁庭在作出裁决前,可以先行调解。Article 51 Before giving an award, an arbitration tribunal may first attempt to conciliate.

这就有必要对供求双方进行协调,要做到这一点将需要一个比以往更精确的战略。There is a need to conciliate both parties, which will require a more refined strategy than before.

他也曾看见一条既不讨好,也不服从的狗,最后在争夺支配权的斗争中被杀。Also he saw one dog, that would neither conciliate nor obey, finally killed in the struggle for mastery.

虽然足球和学习不太好兼顾,可我本应该在学习方面做得更好些的。It was difficult to conciliate football and study, but I could have devoted to my studies in a better way.

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他试图调解精英经济的种种利益,并对右翼搅和起来的狂热论调加以调侃。He has tried to conciliate the elite economic interests, and joke about the fanatical fringe they are stirring up.

他的前任,尤其是大流士,在尝试调和古代文明的时候并没有取得成功。His predecessors , especially Darius, had not been successful in their attempts to conciliate the ancient civilizations.

尽管罗尔斯的政治自由主义强调个人权利的优先性,但企图调和个体和群体的尝试并不成功。Although Rawls emphasised on the priority of private right in political Liberalism, this was no success to conciliate individual and group.

只有注重生态建设,才能赢得科学发展、和谐发展的先机。Only pay more attention to the eco-construction, then can conciliate the opportunities of scientific development and harmonious development.

从海德格尔的存在本体论、哈贝马斯的批判解释学和生活世界学说来调和两种范式的对立,并将两种范式的理论统一在一个分层的知识体系里。This paper tries to conciliate the two paradigms in the view of Heidegger sbeing ontology, Habermas critical hermeneutics and life-world theory.

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在财产制度上,他既肯定公有制,也承认私有财产的合理性,并试图调和两者的矛盾。As for property policies, he approved public ownership, but also admitted the rationality of private-owned property, and tried to conciliate their contradiction.

李的同事说学校当局努力调解并且劝说他们“为了学校的脸面和国家的脸面”撤回指控。Li’s colleagues said that the university tried to conciliate and persuade them to retrieve their accusation in order to “save school’s face” and “save China’s face”.

它既能解决西部大开发的近期收益低下与长期收益丰富的矛盾,又可以处理好资源行政配置与市场调节的关系。It can not only conciliate the conflict between low return at present and high long term return, but also coordinate government allocation of resources and market adjustment.