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到处都是尸体散发的臭气。The stench of death is everywhere.

这里的空气里弥漫着脏水的恶臭味。The air is thick with the stench of sewage.

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进入星光的夜晚,我遵循的恶臭。Into the starless night, I follow the stench.

打开窗,那臭气就会引起邻居们的警觉。Open window so the stench alerts the neighbors.

她闻见生肉燃烧的臭气直作呕。She was nauseated by the stench of burning flesh.

空场上开始笼罩死亡的阴影。The stench of death started to fill the courtyard.

于是这难闻的、甜美的恶臭,…And the foul sweet stench goads, nags ideologically.

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死亡的臭味与尿臭味混搅在一起。The stench of death mingled with the stench of urine.

这恶名昭彰的玩意儿从100米的远处就能嗅到它的气息了!You can smell the stench from 50-100 meters away! ! !

战场上的臭气在周围绵延好几里。The stench of the battlefield spread for miles around.

像是已经死去数日的人,他对恶臭已经麻木了。Like a man dying for many days he is numb to the stench.

可以去读写关于这方面的书,找找到底是什么原因导致了脚臭。Read on to find out what causes that stench in the first place.

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但对那讨厌的臭气你有很重要的事情要做。But there are subtle things you can do about that skanky stench.

屎尿散发出的恶臭弥漫在空中。A strong unmistakable stench of urine and excreta filled the space.

但是有时候那恶臭简直能把你臭晕。But sometimes the stench is just too much. It'll make you light-headed.

等待船只的过程中,灰黑浑浊的水面上一直散发着恶臭。A foul stench rises from the grey-black water as I wait for the riverboat.

阴暗处的恶臭的积水,像是永远也不会蒸发。The stench of the old rain water in the shade the never seemed to evaporate.

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如果老虎的气味很臭,你能想象它在你体内会发出何种臭味吗?If the tiger’s meat stinks can you imagine the stench that your flesh emits ?

现在,我们也许可以尝试一种新的方法摆脱七鳃鳗---死亡气息。Now there may be a new way to get rid of the lampreys—with the stench of death.

他的房子脏乱不堪,一股恶臭味从房子里传来,异常难闻,让人憎恶。His house was filthy, and a stench came out of the house and it smelled horribly.