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你让我的生命如此美好,荷莉。You made my life, Holly.

妖艳的女孩。Holly was a glamour girl.

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她把冬青编成花环。She twined holly into wreaths.

只要冬青树绿,他就会撒谎。He never lies when the holly is green.

凡蕾丝宝贝,请勿机洗。In 6, Holly valance baby, do not wash.

他们在用冬青枝编一个花圈。They were twining holly into a wreath.

我是多麽的幸运呀。你是我生命的全部,荷莉。How lucky am I. You made my life, Holly.

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我会在野炊时见到你吗?To Holly Will I see you at the cookout ?

霍丽抓着她最近的城齿接着就掉落了下去。Holly grabbed for the nearest merlon and fell.

米尔鼓励罗素向荷莉表白。Mir encouraged Russell to the Holly profession.

描写霍莉,玛丽雅和他们的最好朋友。Write about Holly. Maria and their best friends.

大厅装饰着冬青树枝迎接圣诞节。The hall was decked with holly for the Christmas.

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谈论一下霍莉和玛丽雅与她们最好的朋友。Talk about Holly and Maria and their best friends.

我答应过荷莉我们会去,好让她弄完料理。I promised Holly we'd go so she can finish cooking.

杂货店和肉食店都扎着冬青树。Grocery stores and meat markets were strung with holly.

教堂以冬青树枝装饰以迎接圣诞节。The church was decked with holly for the holiday season.

这两个冬青树和常春藤在生长十分温带气候。Both holly and ivy grow abundantly in temperate climates.

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冬青和常春藤长存,好事来到每一杯!Holly and ivy hanging up, and something good in every cup!

冬青树结有鲜艳红浆果,很适于装饰。The holly with its bright, red berries is very decorative.

人们总是在圣诞节时用冬青来装饰房屋。People often decorate their houses with holly at Christmas.