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麦克尔普兰这样做。Michael Pollan does it.

迈克尔·福克斯和特瑞西·宝兰Years Michael J. Fox and Tracy Pollan — July 16, 1988

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它比任何其他工业产生的污染都多。It produces more pollution than any other industry," Pollan said.

博兰先生主张恢复地方和基本的,即使是在危险中的执政。Mr. Pollan advocates a return to the local and the basic, even at the risk of elitism.

迈克尔.波伦在他这部书的最后讨论了他自己制作的一种极端的当地膳食。Michael Pollan ends his book by discussing an extremely local meal, one he produced himself.

嗯,三分之二的方法,通过他的论点博兰先生指出了一些不可置疑的事情。Well, two-thirds of the way through his argument Mr. Pollan points out something irrefutable.

波伦先生向人们展示了现代玉米种植对自然环境的危害的其他一些情况。Mister Pollan shows other ways that the modern farming of corn has harmed the natural environment.

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该影片以麦克尔普兰和埃里克施洛瑟为例,这两个公司的食品工业生产长期遭到批判。The film is narrated by Michael Pollan and Eric Schlosser, two long-time critics of the industrial production of food.

白宫的花园对像加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校的迈克尔白鲑教授来说标志着一种胜利。The White House garden marks a victory for people like Professor Michael Pollan of the University of California Berkeley.

迈克尔.波伦向总统提出了几条建议,他谈到了改革农业政策的重要性,这些政策应该支持那些为当地社区提供各种不同农作物的农场,这种政策将减少污染,降低美国对石油的依赖。Michael Pollan makes several suggestions to the president. He describes the importance of reforming agricultural policies.

波伦先生说,每零点四公顷的工业玉米就大约需要石油190升。Mister Pollan says about one hundred ninety liters of oil is needed to grow every four-tenths of a hectare of industrial corn.

迈克尔白鲑说,白宫花园对整个国家的本地农业和饮食健康将是一个革命性的例子。Michael Pollan said a White House garden would set a revolutionary example of healthful eating and local farming for the whole country.

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问题是我们为培养抗生素耐药性超级细菌创造了良好环境。"The problem is that we have created the perfect environment in which to breed superbugs that are antibiotic-resistant, " Pollan told me.

问题是我们为培养抗生素耐药性超级细菌创造了良好环境。“The problem is that we have created the perfect environment in which to breed superbugs that are antibiotic-resistant, ” Pollan told me.

在2008年10月,迈克尔.波伦向当选总统巴拉克.奥巴马写了一封信,这封信发表在纽约时报上。In October of two thousand eight, Michael Pollan wrote a letter to president-elect Barack Obama which was published in the New York Times Magazine.

波伦先生向人们展现了不同水平的有机食品。Mister Pollan shows that there are different levels of organically produced food. Some big farms grow organic food with methods similar to industrial farms.

这门课要布置给你们阅读的书中,有一本是迈克尔·鲍兰写的,为食物辩护,书中的部分内容,是讨论何为食物,他的某些见解很独到Now one of the books that will be assigned for the class is by Michael Pollan called, In Defense of Food, and he spends some time in that book discussing and he has a very interesting take on it.