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这本书有时会不连贯么?The book is at times incoherent?

这当然是矛盾的And that's, of course, incoherent.

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文章写得很不连贯。This article is rather incoherent.

与非同调性光的转移速率。Transition rate due to incoherent light.

文章写得文理不通。The essay is ungrammatical and incoherent.

起诉书也写得含糊不清、语无伦次。The indictment is vague, woolly and incoherent.

本文发展了一种非相干光图象消模糊的方法。An incoherent image-deblurring method has been developed.

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事实上,激光与非相干光不同。It is a fact that laser is different from incoherent light.

这些「不同调」的装置无法用在干涉仪里。These "incoherent" devices cannot be used in an interferometer.

光电处理器,非同调影像处理系统。Opto-electronic processors, incoherent image processing systems.

刘立人。卫星激光通信Ⅰ链路和终端技术。Satellite laser ranging system is a incoherent imaging optical system.

他曾在联合国大会等场合的演讲上胡说八道、离题万里。He gives rambling incoherent speeches at places like the United Nations.

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如此成功以至于它的续集本质上只是重复了不连贯的剧情。So successful that its sequels essentially repeated its incoherent plot.

有一天,他给我朋友留下了许多语无乱次的电话留言后就消失了。And one day he disappeared after leaving many incoherent messages on her phone.

使用的例子非常精彩,但对例子的阐释却显得语无伦次。It does this using reasonably good examples and rather incoherent explanations.

提出一种用非相干光系统识别彩色图像的方法。A method of recognition of color image under incoherent optical system is proposed.

非相干多分量光束在高阶非线性介质中可以形成双稳态孤子。Incoherent multimode bistable soliton can exist in higher-order nonlinearity media.

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年复一年,美国人民承担着陈旧而不合理的联邦纳税制度的重负。Year after year, Americans are burdened by an archaic, incoherent federal tax code.

激光器产生的光与非相干光不同,它实质上只有一个频率。Laser-produced light is different from incoherent light. It is essentially of one frequency.

对部分空间非相干光光生伏打暗空间孤子进行了实验研究。An experiment of partially spatially incoherent photovoltaic dark spatial soliton is presented.