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他待妻子苛刻。He treats his wife harshly.

你没有什么理由这样严厉地批评他。You had little cause to judge him so harshly.

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他们首次的违背受到了严厉的惩罚。Their first act of defiance is punished harshly.

我们不应当对青年作家太苛求。We should not judge the young writers too harshly.

中国严厉打击性别选择性流产。China to harshly crack down on sex-selective abortion.

你狠狠地臭骂女儿一顿,令她陷于痛苦之中。You harshly scold your daughter for knocking the cup over.

威尔逊牧师先生更加严厉地嚷道。" cried the Reverend Mr. Wilson, more harshly than before.

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接着她下了一连串言语粗暴的指令。She followed with a torrent of harshly worded instructions.

法官驳回上诉,报章对此加以严厉批评。Newspaper harshly criticized the Judge's dismissal of the appeal.

那个职员、因放错了重要档案而受到严厉斥责。The clerk was harshly rebuked for misplacing some important files.

她被告知自己的丈夫正在监狱里遭受虐待。She'sbeen told that her husband is being harshly treated in prison.

罗波安王用严厉的话回覆他们,不用老年人所出的主意。The king answered them harshly. Rejecting the advice of the elders.

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教堂那边传来一声报丧的钟声,粗暴地打断了这些幼稚的想法。A knell from the church bell broke harshly on these youthful thoughts.

“我不知道,”他尖声回答说,“也许我们会叫你寿星。”"I don't know, " he answered harshly. "I think we'll call you Methuselah.

“不!”刺客生硬的叫道,“我要看着那张脸让跟着我去地狱。”"No! " the assassin shouted harshly. "I want to carry that face with me. "

这一次他无情地把信揉皱扔在他房间的地上。This time he crumpled it harshly and threw it away on the floor of his room.

一些投资者批评越南政府采取行动太晚,而且措施太严厉。Some investors criticized the government for acting too late and too harshly.

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只要你不离不弃,不过分严厉的评判你的男人——或者叫警察。If you just stick with it and don't judge your man too harshly. Or call the cops.

王用严厉的话回答百姓,不用老年人给他所出的主意The king answered the people harshly. Rejecting the advice given him by the elders

你狠狠地臭骂女儿一顿,令她陷于痛苦之中。You harshly scold your daughter for knocking the cup over. she breaks down in tears.