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当时卡西尼号是在前往土星的途中。Cassini was on its way to Saturn.

但是在环绕土星的轨道上,卡西尼就没有这样的问题。But in orbit around Saturn, Cassini had no such problems.

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卡西尼号的4年任务是探索这个环状星球。Cassini was on a four-year mission to explore the ringed planet.

土星的最新光环可以解释卡西尼雷吉奥的出现。Saturn'snewest addition could explain how Cassini Regio came to be.

土星的最新成员可以解释卡西尼雷吉奥出现。Saturn's newest addition could explain how Cassini Regio came to be.

由卡西尼飞船所摄取的这张伪彩色图像中,土星的环呈现蓝色。Saturn's rings appear blue in this false-color image taken from Cassini.

根据卡西尼探测器的观测范围,科学家中对海洋假说的支持日盛。Support among scientists for the ocean hypothesis from the range of Cassini observations.

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在这张卡西尼号的照片中,土星环紧贴着新月形的土星。A crescent Saturn appears nestled within encircling rings in this Cassini spacecraft image.

卡西尼及其两个内建相机的设计,开发和组装的喷气推进实验室。The Cassini orbiter and its two onboard cameras were designed, developed and assembled at JPL.

这个发现让卡西尼探索土星以来发现的永远小卫星的光弧数量增加到了三个。This brings the number of Saturnian ring arcs with embedded moonlets found by Cassini to three.

美国宇航局的卡西尼号飞特派团发表的新照片,这周冰喉爆发,从表面。NASA's Cassini flyby mission released new photos this week of icy jets erupting from the surface.

土星的卫星“提坦”上存在生命的两大潜在特征已经被“卡西尼“航天器发现。Two potential signatures of life on Saturn's moon Titan have been found by the Cassini spacecraft.

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旅行者号传回的照片只是道“开胃小菜”,即将成行的卡西尼任务预计将会是一场土星“盛宴”。Voyager's pictures were just an appetizer, the upcoming Cassini mission should be a Saturnian feast.

今年12月25日,卡西尼号将释放惠更斯号探测器,让它航向土卫六,历时三周。On December 25 Cassini will release the Huygens probe, which will coast toward Titan for three weeks.

2010年3月3日,“卡西尼”号与土卫十二“海伦”这颗形状不规则的卫星亲密接触。On March 3, 2010, Cassini got up close and personal with Helene, an irregularly shaped moon of Saturn.

卡西尼还将多次飞越土卫六,这将帮助我们了解其表面到底发生了什么。Cassini has many more flybys of Titan that might help us sort out just what is happening at the surface.

这张未校准的照片拍摄于4月10日,在卡西尼号前一周掠过两颗卫星之后。The above uncalibrated image was taken on April 10 after Cassini swooped by each moon the previous week.

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土星的卫星土卫三通过关于2009年10月17号获得这个图片与卡西尼和遥远的土卫六。Saturn's moon Tethys passes between Cassini and distant Titan in this image acquired on October 17, 2009.

卡西尼号1997年升空,在飞越了金星和木星以后于2004年抵达土星。Cassini has been flying since 1997 and arrived at Saturn in 2004 after flybys of Earth, Venus and Jupiter.

另一次引人注目的联珠发生在去年3月人类的土星探测器卡西尼号的视野中。Another striking alignment occurred last March in the view of humanity's Saturn-orbiting Cassini spacecraft.