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猫头鹰在白天行动?Owls flying by daylight?

我们必须在黎明之时启程。We must leave at daylight.

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我现在白日里出去。I went out now by daylight.

让阳光拭干你的眼泪。Let daylight dry your tears.

白昼来自于黑魆空间。Daylight came from in the night.

穷人盼出头。The poor expect to see daylight.

为什么他要在光天化日低下呢?Why do it there in broad daylight?

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暗中告诉你们的,你们要在明处说出来。In the dark, speak in the daylight.

我醒来时,恰好天亮。When I awaked, it was just daylight.

日光在镇门远处渐现冷酷。Daylight dimmed beyond the town gate.

恐惧黎明和白昼。Eosophobia- Fear of dawn or daylight.

那辆汽车大白天被人偷走了。The car was stolen in broad daylight.

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本周末是冬夏时调整日。This weekend is Daylight Savings Time.

我们的相机可以在日光下装胶卷。Our camera could be loaded in daylight.

他们在光天化日之下就抢劫银行。They robbed the bank in broad daylight.

我们在天亮前经过了另一个镇。We passed another town before daylight.

我们都没机会在白天好好看一眼卢森堡。We never saw Luxembourg in the daylight.

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去年,我在光天化日之下遭到抢劫。I was robbed in broad daylight last year.

她白天比晚上显得老气一些。She looks older by daylight than at night.

自然光总是随时空变化着。Daylight is always changing with space-time.