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那块美玉是无价之宝。That gem is above price.

好一朵美丽的宝石花!What a beautiful gem flower!

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这个gem只提供给Ruby-1.9.1。This gem is only for Ruby-1.9.1.

刘一刀还是放过了三宝。That knife or pass the triple gem.

一款非常精致的宝石对对碰游戏。A very delicate game gem of a Kind.

Matz计划引入gem到Ruby1.9中。Matz plans to import gem into Ruby 1.9.

卡本纳-佛朗是智利的一颗小宝石。Cabernet Franc is a small gem for Chile.

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他诱骗我把那枚宝石割爱。He beguiled me into parting with the gem.

具足信对佛法僧的信心与敬心。Have faith and confidence in the Triple Gem.

水银石现在能抬寘在宝石包中。Mercurial Stone can now be put into Gem Bags.

有些宝石材料不会显示多色性。Some gem materials may not display pleochroism.

武当金殿是中华民族的国之瑰宝。Wudang Golden Hall is the gem of Chinese nation.

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锆石比其他宝石材料的脆性高。Zircon is most brittle than other gem materials.

禅诗是中国传统文化宝库中的精品。Chan poetry is a precious gem of Chinese culture.

但是,芝芝的妈妈也因这颗宝石而死去。However, Zhizhi's mother also died due to this gem.

欢迎国际友人们来欣赏我们的宝石!Welcome the foreign friends to appreciate our gem !

我把最精彩的内容置于演说稿的正中央。Right in the middle of the speech I had placed a gem.

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当地人告诉我说,莫莱茵湖是一颗晶莹碧透的蓝宝石。The local told me, Moraine Lake is a blue crystal gem.

我们可以订做宝石磨光机,以符合你们的要求。We can customize our gem polishers to suit your needs.

综上所述,新的1系列仍然是一个有瑕疵的宝石。In summary then, the new 1-series remains a flawed gem.