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沉船残骸堵塞了航道。Wreckage filled the channel.

残骸慢慢漂走了。The wreckage slowly drifted away.

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硝烟弥漫在燃烧的残船上。Smoke curled over the burning wreckage.

我思考着火车残骸的问题。I thought of the wreckage by the tracks.

一路将狂风吹拢来的残骸冲散。Strewing fresh wreckage gathered in the gales.

世贸中心的废墟闷燃了数个月。The wreckage at Ground Zero smoldered for months.

长攻员负机身残骸放射亡水泡沫。Firefighters sprayed foam on the mangled wreckage.

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她被人扯着头发从燃烧的飞机残骸中救出。She was pulled from the burning wreckage by her hair.

于是,在轰炸机的残骸里,一个老乐天诞生了。Opti the Mystic had been born in that bomber's wreckage.

第一架直升机的飞行员被困在了飞机里,遇难了。The pilot of the first copter was pinned in the wreckage.

那架飞机的残骸散落在方圆五英里的区域内。Wreckage of the plane was scattered over a five-mile area.

事实上,这艘海盗船残骸曾经在1938年被发现过。In fact, once set off Corsair wreckage was found in 1938 off.

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有人看见小女孩在一块碎船残骸上向大海漂去了。She was last seen floating out to sea on a piece of wreckage.

两船相撞,一些人被困在撞破的船只里。Two boats crashed and some people were trapped in the wreckage.

来看热闹的人,望着失事飞机的残骸发愣。Crowds of onlookers came to gawp at the wreckage of the aircraft.

巴伊亚则凭借一块飞机残骸在海上度过了9个小时并最终获救。She spent nine hours in the water, clinging to a piece of wreckage.

飞机尾翼折断,机身残骸起火,浓烟滚滚。Aircraft tail broken fuselage wreckage caught fire, smoke billowing.

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官方人员称,他们在爆炸残骸中找到了一些气罐碎片。The wreckage of the vehicle included gas canisters, authorities said.

Neytiri在燃烧的村庄废墟中找到了父亲的遗体。In the burning wreckage of the village Zuleika finds her father's body.

他的尸体是在燃烧的废墟中被发现的,同时还发现有武器和弹药。His body was found in the burnt up wreckage along with arms and ammunition.