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护卫员同闯入的人扭打起来。The guards wrestled with the intrude rs.

我是否过多地侵扰了别人的悲痛?Did I intrude too far into people\'s grief?

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不要让你的朋友和家人在你的工作时间打扰你。Don’t let friends or family intrude on your work time.

阿尔达的“不当入侵”的描述是轻描淡写。ALDA's "improperly intrude" depiction is an understatement.

在橡胶件密封区域不得存在熔合纹。Knit lines shall not intrude into sealing areas of the part.

但最终纷杂的人类社会会侵入这里的。But eventually the complexities of the human world would intrude.

“葡萄酒有着独特的香味,它能够破坏或带走食物的平衡感,”她说。It can intrude or take away from the balance of the food,” she says.

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乔纳斯不敢侵扰他弟弟和西顿的美妙时刻。He dared not intrude on the magical moment between his brother and Seton.

联邦调查局依法有权侵入人民的生活,是因为公众赋予了其特殊的信任。The FBI’s license to intrude into people’s lives gives it a special public trust.

“若你愿意的话。”我们都知道的很清楚。“我很抱歉打扰了你。我还是告退好了。”"If you like. " We both know better. "I am sorry to intrude on you. I will retire. "

丰胸,细腰,长腿的她让孩子们在童年便知道了什么才叫性感。Big-breasted, narrow-waisted and long-legged, she has helped sex intrude into childhood.

Paparazzi是指那些见缝插针、永不退缩的摄影记者,他们总是闯进富豪和名流的生活。Paparazzi are aggressive photojournalists who intrude on the lives of the rich and famous.

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随着混沌军团,绿皮部落以及黑暗精灵的全面入侵,人类的末日即将来临。The end times draw near for humanity, as Chaos, Greenskins and Dark Elves intrude from all sides.

然而即便在克劳福德或者布什度过童年的米德兰家乡,他的幻想也不免要被真实世界烦扰。But even in Crawford and his childhood home of Midland, the real world may intrude on his reverie.

我们服事人是按著圣灵所赐的才能,不要侵扰同工的领堿。We must minister as the Spirit has given us ability, and not intrude upon our fellow servant's domain.

它把网址或网页标题显示在一个干净的边栏里,因此它不会影响网页浏览。It shows web addresses or page titles in a neat little sidebar, so it doesn’t intrude on your browsing.

我们的工作人员将热情为你发自肺腑,小心你永不进犯宁静经验。Our gracious staff will serve you from the heart, careful never to intrude on your tranquil experience.

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岩石单位首先由于沉积被储与表面或侵入覆盖的岩层。Rock units are first emplaced either by deposition onto the surface or intrude into the overlying rock.

海底熔岩杂岩可以穿切到未因结的沉积物中而呈似侵入接触现象。Submarine lava complexes might intrude into the unsolidified sediments, showing pseudo-intrusive contact.

没人胆敢干扰他家的清静,或骚扰他神圣的忧伤避难所。No one would have dared to intrude upon the privacy of his home, or to molest him in his sacred retreat of sorrow.