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我们向前跑去。We paced onward.

那匹马在跑马场的四周溜蹄。The horse paced around the ring.

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塞尔玛舅妈和默里舅舅跟在后头。Aunt Selma and Uncle Murray paced.

我在宁静的宇宙飞船里踱步.I paced in the peaceful spacecraft.

在头顶的山上它缓缓踱着步子And paced upon the mountains overhead

老虎在笼中走来走去。The tiger paced up and down the cage.

他步测出花园的总长度。He paced out the length of the garden.

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他在会客室里踱来踱去。He paced up and down the sitting room.

她用步子量出了花园的长度。She paced out the length of the garden.

他们用步量出这个花园的长度。They paced out the length of the garden.

逝去的爱,如今已步上高山And paced upon the mountains overhead

白鹭举着长腿在水草里踱步。Egrets paced holding legs in the water plants.

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他用步子量出其中五米,然后做了一个记号。He paced off five meters, and then made a mark.

英语测验中他名列全班第一。He paced the whole class in English examination.

我们规定每小时骑五公里。We paced the bicyclists at five kilos every hour.

他踱来踱去,怒斥他的儿子。He paced up and down, fulminating against his son.

她踱来踱去,等着电话铃响。She paced the floor, waiting for the phone to ring.

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看看表,5点多了,我焦急的在地上踱来踱去。See Table 5 o'clock, and I anxiously paced the floor.

这个老人在等儿子的同时在房间里踱来踱去。The old man paced the room while he waited for his son.

他咬紧了牙关只是哼,在那座空廓落落的大厅上转圈子。He paced round the hall grinding his teeth and groaning.