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毒性紫茎泽兰经预处理并沼气发酵后,能制成饲料。Toxicant eupatorium adenophorum spreng can be used as a feedstuff after methane fermented.

目的研究紫荆泽兰挥发油的化学成分。Objective To investigate the chemical constituents of essential oil in Eupatorium adenophorum.

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结论紫荆泽兰挥发油的主要化学成分为萜类化合物。Conclusion The major chemical constituents of essential oil in Eupatorium adenophorum are terpenes.

光照率越高越有利于飞机草茎叶和根干重的增加。The higher in percentage of light, the better for increase of Eupatorium odoratum stem, leaf and root dry weight.

研究了紫茎泽兰预处后沼气连续发酵的产气潜力。This paper reports for the experimental study of continuous methane fermentation by using Eupatorium adenophorum Spreng.

目的建立复方土牛膝糖浆的薄层鉴别方法。Objective To establish a TLC identification method of compound eupatorium syrup, and to set up quality control standard for the product.

外来入侵植物紫茎泽兰目前广泛分布于我国西南地区,给当地草地畜牧业带来极大危害。Eupatorium adenophorum, originated from Mexico, and has now spread and become a noxious invasive weed of pasture all over the southwest of China.

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利用石蜡切片法结合光学显微镜观察了紫茎泽兰18个种群的茎叶形态结构。Paraffin sectioning with optical microscopy was adopted to examine the stem and leaf morphological structures of 18 Eupatorium adenophorum Spreng.

运用非木质造纸原料成分分析法对紫茎泽兰茎秆中的10种物质含量进行了测定。Using the Component Analysis method of non-timber raw material for paper making, the contents 10 components in the stem of Eupatorium adenophorum were determined.

对紫茎泽兰的生理生化、入侵机制及防治等方面进行综述。Eupatorium adenophorum is a worldwide noxious invasive weed. Physiology and biochemistry, invasion mechanisms and prevention of Eupatorium adenophorum were summarized.

综述了紫茎泽兰的生物学特性、入侵机理、危害、防治和利用等最新的研究进展,并且探讨了今后的研究方向。The biological characteristics, invasion mechanism, harm, control and utilization of Eupatorium adenophorum were discussed. And the aspect for the future was analyzed.

介绍了紫茎泽兰的杀虫作用和对昆虫忌避及拒食作用的研究进展,为深入探讨其作用机理和新型仿生农药先导化合物的开发,提供参考。It will be useful to research the mechanism of anti-insect bioactivities of Eupatorium adenophorum and develop pilot chemical compounds from Eupatorium adenophorum for new bionic pesticide.