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他的性格已定型。His character is set.

他失去了他的性格。He lost his character.

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他是个性格演员。He 's a character actor.

他品格不好。He has a weak character.

狂战士,游戏角色。Berserker, game character.

她是一个性格演员。She's a character actress.

他是个悠闲自得的人。He was a holiday character.

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你的角色是一个经常爱抱怨的人么?Is your character a grouch?

你的角色要做什么?What does your character do?

恩慈是体恤的爱。Goodness is love's character.

我的赋性是什么样的?My character is what kind of?

凡有所学,皆成性格。Abeunt are all into character.

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以及那么高尚的道德品质。And the noble moral character.

他是个品性良好的人。He is a man of fine character.

他是一位品格高尚的人。He is a man of high character.

judge“能辨别好坏的人”、“鉴定者”。I'm a good judge of character.

永不言败是追究者的最佳品格。Is the best for the character.

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真正的品德始于家庭。True character begins at home.

你的性格是黑头发吗?Is your character black-haired?

所使用的分隔符字符。The Delimiter character in use.