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最好的那张是迪拜的哈利法塔的阴影。The best one is the shadow of Al Bruj Khalifa tower Dubai.

Wiz的哈利法住在德国,英国和日本的一个孩子。Wiz Khalifa lived in Germany, England and Japan as a child.

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自从1995年以来,埃米尔・哈马德・本・哈利法・阿勒萨尼统治卡塔尔。Since 1995, Emir Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani has ruled Qatar.

在“当我走了,”绿野仙踪哈利讲述生命的临时性质。In "When I'm Gone, " Wiz Khalifa tells about the temporary nature of life.

陈列于喀土穆哈里发博物馆的机枪。A machine gun obtained by Mahdi forces, now exhibiting in Al Khalifa Museum.

哈利法塔共有160多层,但确切层数尚不清楚。The Burj Khalifa boasts more than 160 stories. The exact number is not known.

如今,这座改名为哈利法塔的建筑成了迪拜丧失独立性的标志。The newly named Burj Khalifa is now a symbol of Dubai's loss of independence.

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巴林国王萨勒曼试图用金钱安抚他的臣民。King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa of Bahrain tried pacifying his subjects with cash.

建军的责任可能要落在曾长期被流放到美国的哈利法·哈他上校的肩上。That task may fall to General Khalifa Haftar, a longtime exile in the United States.

然而建筑师们的垂直跃升游戏并不太可能就此止步。Architects' vertical leapfrogging, however, isn't likely to stop at the Burj Khalifa.

谢赫•伊萨是阿联酋总统谢赫•哈利法•本•扎耶德•纳哈扬的同父异母兄弟。Sheikh Issa is a half-brother of the UAE's president, Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed al-Nahyan.

戴莉·哈里法是世界银行国际金融组织的贸易专家。Dahlia Khalifa is a business expert at the World Bank's International Finance Corporation.

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巴林国王哈马德及其家人和英国王室相熟已久。King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa and his family are far from strangers to the British royals.

他的儿子,现任的埃米尔哈马德本哈利法阿勒萨尼,1995年推翻了一场政变。His son, the current Amir HAMAD bin Khalifa al-Thani, overthrew him in a bloodless coup in 1995.

世界上最高的建筑,哈利法在迪拜的Burj摩天大楼有二千七百十七英尺高。The tallest building in the world, the Burj Khalifa skyscraper in Dubai stands 2, 717 feet tall.

现存的体育建筑建在哈里发体育馆,在该城西南区可看到。The existing sports complex is based at the Khalifa Stadium, visible to the southwest of the city.

而在二月,迪拜塔关闭其瞭望台,据闻是因为电路问题。And in February, the Burj Khalifa closed its observation deck, reportedly because of electrical problems.

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在这里,有世界第一的哈利法塔,有扎根于海的七星帆船酒店,有仿如天外来客的棕榈人工岛。From here, there are many famous places such as Burj Khalifa tower, Burj al arab hotel, the palm islands.

世界银行的专家戴莉·哈里法称一些国家正在改革并修改他们的商法。World Bank specialist Dahlia Khalifa says some governments are reforming and changing their business laws.

本周四,奥巴马总统在总统办公室与卡塔尔首相哈马德本哈利法阿勒萨尼举行了会晤。On Thursday, President Obama hosted Emir Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani of Qatar for a meeting in the Oval Office.