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乌韦兰格是一个48岁的验船师。Uwe Lange is a 48-year-old surveyor.

兰格先生将我送上双杠。Mr. Lange lifted me up to the parallel bars.

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您想在德国停留多久?Wie lange m?chten Sie in Deutschland bleiben?

托马斯先生,请问您准备在此逗留多久?Wie lange m?chten Sie hier bleiben, Herr Thomas?

德兰格说,如到了这一阶段,无疑将是振奋人心的,不过现在还不能过于乐观。De Lange says this stage is exciting, but there is still risk.

他的德语说的很好,好像他在德国待过很久似的。Er spricht so gut Deutsch, als w?re er lange in Deutschland gewesen.

他的德语说的很好,好像他在德国待过很久似的。Er spricht so gut Deutsch, als wäre er lange in Deutschland gewesen.

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在慕尼黑,只要天晴的时候,总是能够看见蓝天白云。So lange as it is sunny, there are always white clouds in the blue sky.

当被问及FAI的最重要以及最有趣的功能,Lange谈到Asked for the most important and interesting features of FAI, Lange said

“兰格”在装饰领域要创造更加辉煌的明天。"Lange" wants to create more refulgent tomorrow in the field of decoration.

他是FAI的项目主管,刚刚发布了它的3.3.4版本。Thomas Lange is the project leader of FAI and just released its version 3.3.4.

“所有这一切以我们不一定知晓的方式串接在一起,”Lange补充说。“All of these things cascade in ways we’re not necessarily aware of,” adds Lange.

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这一现象促使德兰格得出结论,认为这棵野生的贝氏海桐花不会完全是雌的。This led de Lange to conclude that the wild tree might not truly be female after all.

兰芝让我想到了公司里的一种人,他们在团队成员说话时,总表现出一副冷淡、不感兴趣的样子。Lange made me think of corporate presenters who look uninterested as a team partner speaks.

最近,美国洛克斐勒大学的迪蓝吉,对此种关联提出了新的解释。Recently Titia de Lange of the Rockefeller University proposed a new explanation for this link.

蓝格拥有一流的摄影棚、摄影器材与工作团队。Lange possesses fist-class studios, state of the art photography equipments and an excellent team.

我在用兰芝的你要是上20岁就用雅斯兰黛无敌好用我兰芝的还好吧一般。I am using Lange If you use the 20-year-old Karl Lauder invincible useful to Lange's okay I'm the general.

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虽然小鸟可能会吃掉大多数成熟的果实,但珍宁还是弄到了几个熟果并让其中的种子‘入土为安’了。"While birds probably took most mature fruit, some she managed to get and sow in the field, " de Lange says.

而同时,杰西卡。拉杰则一直守卫着旧日贵族女士的那种环境?。At the same time Jessica Lange has been soldiering on in an environment less than kind to former leading ladies.

在意大利有超过60万2千人去看了这幅画,这是该国展览史上的纪录。Over 602,000 people saw the painting there, a record for exhibitions in Italy, " said Marit Lange of Oslo's National Gallery."