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你量量我的尺寸,好吗?Can you measure me?

它衡量了什么?What does it measure?

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你们用什么量器量给人?。What kind of measure ?

应该衡量哪些因素?What should we measure?

意志力能测吗?Can we measure willpower?

该项议案通过投票遭到否决。The measure was outvoted.

他能计量准确吗?Can he measure accurately?

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我们如何衡量贫困呢?How do we measure poverty?

我们如何测量张力?How do we measure tension?

这些都是可以测量的物理量。Things that I can measure.

玻璃转变温度是用DSC仪来测定的。DSC was used to measure Tg.

我要丈量这间房子。I have to measure the room.

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量量这扇门好吗?。Will you measure this door?

您度量生产力吗?Do you measure productivity?

寸是长度的度量单位。Inch is a measure of length.

这是国家推动的一项措施。It’s a state-driven measure.

你无法测量黑暗。You cannot measure darkness.

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可测量平面的水平度。Measure the level of surface.

我们可以测量半周期。We can measure half a period.

我们如何度量我们的成功?How do we measure our success?