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我还有一支冲锋枪。I also had a SMG.

你问我在连队里我们用什么型号的冲锋枪。You asked me what type of SMG we used in our company.

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展厅内,观众可看到上海东方传媒集团的几幅巨大的精美影视海报。In the exhibiting hall, visitors could see the huge and beautiful posters of SMG.

想玩竞彩篮球可以上哪玩呢?竞彩篮球有网站吗?SMG want to play basketball on which you can play with? SMG basketball have a website?

刚刚获得了我最喜欢的钢琴白我的终极耳朵x冲锋枪定制耳显示器新鞋。Just received my new pair of Ultimate Ears x SMG customized ear monitors in my favourite piano white.

我关上油门,半身探出舱口用冲锋枪打空了一个弹夹。I pressed on the gas, stuck out of the hatch showing half of my body and fired a whole ammo clip from my SMG.

这是记者从市文广新局举行的游艺娱乐场所专项整治工作会议上获悉的。This is the reporter from the City Council the new SMG at recreation, entertainment special work meeting was informed.

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与胶原海绵复合培养,颌下腺导管细胞仍可保持良好的增殖能力。Compositely culture the SMG ductal cells with collagen sponge, the SMG ductal cell could keep their proliferation ability.

这也是两地媒体首次深度合作录制世博会节目。This program, marking the first cross-Straits cooperation for programs about Expo, will debut Saturday on the SMG Channel of Fine Arts.

该模型简单易行,能反映一定水文规律,尤其具有对洪峰预报精度高的特点。The SMG is simple for applying, and can reflect the characteristic of uneven distribution of rainfall, thus has the high forecast accuracy especially for peak flow.