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你和阿鲁巴有什么关系?。What is it with you and Aruba?

上周,阿鲁巴岛的一名游客发现了一个颚骨。A tourist in Aruba discovered a jawbone last week.

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但在阿鲁巴学校的警卫说,他们的囚犯将不会受到伤害。But the guards at the Aruba School say their prisoners won't be hurt.

它已经袭击了加勒比海阿鲁巴、库腊索及博内尔群岛。It has already battered the Caribbean islands of Aruba , Curasao and Bonaire.

然而,或许没有单一的或明确的答案可以确认阿鲁巴学校中的这批囚犯的身份。But there may not be a single or clear answer to who exactly the Aruba School prisoners are.

我回来后作了一些改变,使我能后把在阿鲁巴岛上开始的自我改造继续下去。I made changes when I returned that continued the transformation that started while I was in Aruba.

您对于阿鲁巴有多少的了解?完成下列的拼图后您就可以看到原始较大尺寸的图片。How much do you know about aruba ? Complete the following jigsaw puzzle and you may see the original picture.

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我用了近一年的时间才付清了旅费,不过我深信我在阿鲁巴岛的那一个星期顶得上三年的心理治疗。It took me almost a year to pay off that trip, but I am convinced that my single week in Aruba was worth three years in therapy.

该公司称,正寻求永久禁止其专利技术的非法使用,同时要求因专利侵权而获得金钱方面的赔偿.Aruba said it was seeking a permanent injunction against use of its patented technologies, as well as monetary damages for infringement.

事实上,在阿鲁巴学校里的许多囚犯都具有双重国籍——有乍得或尼日尔血统的利比亚人,一些则是完完全全的外国人。Indeed, many of the prisoners at the Aruba School are dual nationals — Libyans with roots in Chad or Niger. And some are entirely foreign.

在加勒比海阿鲁巴岛上度假的游客,可以在这个在屋顶上有恐龙、小汽车等其他东西的反常的餐馆里吃小吃。Visitors vacationing on the Caribbean island of Aruba can snack at this wacky restaurant with dinosaurs, cars, and other things on the roof.

他们说,在被一名塞卜哈计程车司机告知,他们将获得一次前往的黎波里的免费飞机之旅后,站在阿鲁巴学校里的他们兴奋极了。They wound up on the Aruba School floor, they say, after being told by a taxi driver in Sabha that they could get a free plane ride to Tripoli.

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荷兰的安的列斯盾是荷属安的列斯官方货币,该属地为加勒比海两组群岛,以前位于阿鲁巴。The Netherlands Antillean guilder is the official currency of the Netherlands Antilles, two groups of islands in the Caribbean Sea, and formerly in Aruba.

在那间阿鲁巴学校,寒冷简陋的教室中,约200名雇佣兵嫌疑犯,在地板上床垫和毛毯包裹的狭小空间里蜷缩成一团。At the Aruba School, contained in a series of cold, thinly insulated classrooms, roughly 200 suspected mercenaries huddle beneath blankets on mattresses on the floor.

去年摩托罗拉旗下子公司在美国特拉华州地方法院指控Aruba侵犯其短距离无线网络技术方面的专利.Last year Motorola's subsidiaries sued Aruba for infringement of patents involving short-range wireless network technologies in the in the U.S. District Court in Delaware.

这项反诉讼是有关摩托罗拉及其子公司提出的两项专利侵权,内容涉及无线电脑网络管理和网络安全,Aruba称.The countersuit concerns Motorola's and its subsidiaries' alleged infringement of two patents related to managing wireless computer networks and network security, Aruba said.

这从波多黎各的圣胡安的主要港口启动,并去小安的列斯和荷属安的列斯的库拉索终于结束对在阿鲁巴岛以西的。This starts from Puerto Rico's main port at San Juan and goes to the Lesser Antilles and the Netherlands Antilles and Curacao finally ending up towards the west in the island of Aruba.

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她说,她在阿鲁巴的家中告诉他儿子,荷兰律师一直在他身边,她希望他在法官面前露面后,周四就可以被释放。Anita Van der Sloot said she had spoken to her son briefly from her home in Aruba. She said a Dutch attorney was with him, and she expected him to appear before a judge and be released Thursday.

迪帕克和桑提斯两兄弟在阿鲁巴被捕,应阿鲁巴当局的请求,荷兰警方逮捕了斯沃特。Brothers Deepak and Satish Kalpoe were arrested in Aruba at the same time authorities in the Netherlands picked up Joran Van der Sloot at the request of the Aruban government, the statement said.