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悔之晚矣。It's too late to repent.

即使到了现在,她也不后悔。Even now she doesn't repent.

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他没有什么要懊悔的。He has nothing to repent of.

我没有什么可后悔的。I have nothing to repent of.

我没有什么可忏悔的。I have nothing to repent of.

结婚匆匆,后悔无穷。Marry in hasty, repent endless.

上帝只宽恕那些能忏悔的人。He forgives only those who repent.

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你不久就会对你所干的事后悔。You will soon repent what you did.

草率匹配多后悔。Marry in haste and repent at leisure.

结婚太急,后悔不及。Marry yin haste and repent atl Eisure.

但是也有人死不悔改。However, there are some who never repent.

我厌恶自己,在尘土和炉灰中懊悔。I abhor myself and repent in dust and ashes.

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如果那个男的不忏悔,那他就去死吧。That guy will go to hell if he doesn't repent.

新国王悲伤已极,带着懊悔,带着遗憾The new king was so sad with repent and regret

我们也希望你们能为过去所犯的罪行忏悔“。We hope you repent for your crimes in the past, too.

在那些城里,只有余民悔改。Only a remnant who lives in those cities will repent.

今天懊悔流泪悲切,主,我要回家。I now repent with bitter tears, Lord, I'm coming home.

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坏书的罪孽更深重,因为它不能悔改。A wicked book is the wickeder because it cannot repent.

因此我厌恶自己,在尘土和炉灰中懊悔。Therefore I despise myself and repent in dust and ashes.

因此我厌恶自己,在尘土和炉灰中懊悔。Therefore I abhor myself, and I repent In dust and ashes.