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这是双方关系的一个可以追踪的指标。It's a conspicuous, trackable indicator of the bilateral relationship.

我们也许会有“人类搜索引擎”,它将会使每个人都无处可藏。We may have 'Human search engines', which make everyone easily trackable.

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PC计算机控制,参数记录,可储存,异常可寻查。PC Computer control and parameter record is storable and trackable for the abnormity.

本文讨论的重点是精确定位建筑物内的房间、人员和其他可跟踪数据。Moving inside the buildings to precisely locate rooms, people, and other trackable data is the focus of this article.

在过程中识别使用工具的度量点,这些度量点能够被转化成为测度或者可跟踪的度量属性。Identify instrumentation points in the process that they can translate into measures or trackable measurement attributes.

残骸所在的高度比我们1985年试验时制造残骸所在的高度要高,为了清理因那次试验制造的、能够追踪的残骸我们花了17年的时间。It's at a higher elevation than the test we did in 1985, and for that one the last trackable debris took 17 years to clear out.

结果表明,在后内轮制动与四轮全制动情况下,转弯具有较好的稳定性和路径跟踪性。The results indicated that the steerability is more stable and trackable during rear left wheel braking and four-wheel braking.

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从追踪链接收集结果和察看实时报告有助于了解哪些才是有用的工作。Gathering results through trackable links and having access to real-time reports will help you understand what works and what doesn't.

在中世纪有大量的丝绸从中国运到中东和欧洲,走的是古代的丝绸之路,到今天这条路还有痕迹可寻。In middle ages, a plenty of silk are spread to Middle East and Europe through ancient Silk Road whose prints is still trackable today.

美国当局处置涉嫌诈欺的华尔街投资经纪人马多夫限制住居及要他戴上电子监控器。US authorities have placed allegedly fraudulent Wall Street investment manager Bernard Madoff under house arrest and required him to wear a trackable electronic tag.

就对美国经济的直接影响来说,我觉得影响是可控制在更低的,但我很乐意听听其他人就这个话题发表些看法。S. allies in Asia. In terms of direct economic impact in the U. S. , I would think the trackable local impact would be less, much less, but I'd like to hear from others on the topic.

香港中文大学和昆明动物所的研究团队均在各自领域具有优秀的研究成果,双方将一同合作开发和利用重要和宝贵的生物资源进行常见疾病的研究。Team members from both CUHK and KIZ have excellent trackable records in their fields and will work together and KIZ would provide a very important and valuable resource for these studies.

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这似乎可以很好地反映造成误报的反射率范围,因此下面介绍的程序将任何反射率高于该范围的情形视为可跟踪的降水事件。This seems to correspond well to the reflectivity range of the false positives, so the program described below will consider anything of higher reflectivity to be a trackable precipitation event.