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重造天地,他们的确做到了。And remake the world they did.

还是下定决心费尽心血去改造她?Still determined to tail off to remake her?

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翻拍相比于原作总会少些什么。Each remake loses something from the original.

弗兰克兰杰拉星星在德拉库拉改造。Frank Langella stars in the remake of Dracula.

哈里森福特在“新龙凤配”这部电影中担纲演出。Harrison Ford stars in the remake of "Sabrina".

这是一个最好的重拍著名的游戏“短线”。It is a best remake of famous game "Short Line".

好吧,我的朋友,这不过是一时手痒要重拍而已。Well, me hearties, it's just itchin' for a remake.

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你要求你的员工重新制作一下网站。And you ask one of your employees to remake a website.

乔布斯用他与生俱来的天赋与天才重造苹果。Jobs has used his natural gift and talents to remake Apple.

最近有人看过翻拍版吗,就是两年前出来的那部?Has anyone seen the remake came up two years ago or so recently?

因为这件衬衫极不合身,她要拆了重做。As the shirt fits badly, she will pick it to pieces and remake it.

同样,我意识到周围的朋友和学生也是无法改造的。I learned also that neither could I remake my friends or students.

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睡谷,重新制作的行星上的红毛猩猩,等等。Sleepy Hollow, and the remake of Planet of the Apes, among others.

他想把汉考克重新包装甚至重新打造成一个好人。He wants to repackage and, even more, remake Hancock into a good guy.

璇-这部就像是那部的笑剧版,郑伊健和陈小春都又回来演了。M – It's like a comedy remake of that. Jordan and Ekin are both back.

在这一阶段,如果存在问题,可以很容易地改造焊接的连接点。At this stage, it's easy to remake a solder connection if there is a problem.

贝侬,我要给你发一首由一个泰国歌手改编的黑傣古老民歌。Pi-nong, I will send you an old Tai-Dam song that is remake by a Thai singer.

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几十年以来,他一直尝试以心目中的宏伟蓝图重塑世界。Over the decades, he has tried to remake the world in his own grandiose image.

另外,其正在竞投一项为美国航空重新建造航班运营系统的合约。And it’s bidding for a contract to remake the flight operations system at American.

“赤色黎明”的重拍版???显然,可卡因依旧是好莱坞的首选毒品。A remake of "Red Dawn"??? Apparently cocaine is still the drug of choice in Hollywood.