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这些主题需要论述而不只是简单叙述一下。These topics need to be treated not just descriptively.

描写是一个好的作者所必须拥有的其中一个技能。To write descriptively is one of the skills a good writer must have.

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让古典的美丽穿透岁月,在我们的身边活色生香。Let the classic beauty go through the years and surround us descriptively.

表11-1中列出了每个财富等级的差别和特征。The differences between each Wealth Rank are presented descriptively in Table 11-1.

口号是一条简洁而令人印象深刻的标语,用来描述一个公司或产品。A tagline is a slogan which succinctly, memorably, and descriptively sums up a company or product.

赋为铺陈直叙,即诗人把思想感情及其有关的事物平铺直叙地表达出来。Fu means straightforward expatiation which is to express the poet's ideas and other related matters descriptively.

我们的目标不只是单单教你一种语言,而是教会你能够灵活和具有描述性地把知识运用到真实生活中去。Our goal is not just to teach you a language, but to teach you how to use it in the real world, flexibly and descriptively.

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因为该页面在多处重用这个值,我发现用一个含义明确的变量来存储会更方便。Because this page reuses that value in several places, I find it more convenient to store it a descriptively named variable.

台湾小说创作发展到二十世纪末,总体叙事上的「华丽」对新世代小说家而言无啻是个严格的考验。By the end of the 20th century, the development of Taiwanese fiction generally has become descriptively "lavish" which proved to be a difficult challenge for new generation writers.

基于这一点,本论文对意识形态采取中立的态度,描述性地记录译文中的相关翻译现象,并且做出可能的解释。Based on this, this dissertation takes the neutral attitude towards ideology and just descriptively records the translation phenomena in the target texts and tries to find out possible explanations.