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而同时他在往手枪里装子弹。Meantime he was loading the pistols.

古庙、亭台点缀其间。Temple, pavilions dotted the meantime.

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顿了须臾,又同时笑起来。Smile in the meantime again in a moment.

也许他们会出现。在这等待期间。Perhaps they'll show up. In the meantime.

同时他说,“不不。In the meantime he says, "No, no, no then.

同时,你们可以填写这些表格You can fill out these forms in the meantime.

其他人同时也在冉冉上升。And others’ balloons may rise in the meantime.

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同时,你们可以填写这些表格“You can fill out these forms in the meantime."

阅读的同时,请吃点东西喝点水来让你自己的身体得到休息。In the meantime eat and drink water to ground your body.

我的意思是其间在海洋上他用了卑鄙手法.I mean he used mean means in the meantime on the ocean.

这时外面下起了大雨。And in the meantime the rain had become a voluptuous shower.

很明显,那时他重新思考了某些故事情节。Apparently he'd rethought parts of the story in the meantime.

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同时,对三秦银杏文化进行了探讨。In the meantime , G. biloba culture in Shaanxi are discussed.

这时候你把你的手帕铺在岸上就行啦。In the meantime just spread out thy handkerchief on the bank.

与此同时,我们还可以看球赛和赛马。In the meantime we could watch ball games or the horse racing.

这当儿,河鼠正暖和舒服地坐在炉边打盹儿。Meantime the Rat, warm and comfortable, dozed by his fireside.

那要假定直到那时我还没把自己醉死在酒精里吧?Always assuming I haven't drunk myself to death in the meantime?

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这时,她带着平静而粗野的神气望着他们。In the meantime she stared at them with a stern but peaceful air.

此时面包在胃中发酵转变为酸。In the meantime the whole meal rots and ferments and turns to acid.

但那并不意味着他们在这段时间无事可做。But that doesn’t mean there’s nothing for them to do in the meantime.