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哇,不用麻醉剂?Wow, no anaesthetic?

首先我要给她打一针麻药。I'II give her a shot of anaesthetic first.

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牙科医师又给她喷射了气雾麻醉药。The dentist gave her another whiff of anaesthetic.

卵子通常会在全身麻醉时取得。The eggs will usually be retrieved under general anaesthetic.

杰克逊会定期服用麻醉剂异丙酚帮助睡眠。Jackson regularly received the anaesthetic propofol to go to sleep.

红发人是人类中首先需要实施麻醉的特殊人群。Red hair is the first phenotype of anaesthetic requirement in humans.

目的探讨丙泊酚用于心脏电复律麻醉的效果。Objective To investigate the anaesthetic effects of Propofol for cardioversion.

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由此可见电针复合静松灵是一种比较安全可靠的麻醉方法。Therefoe, EA with xylidinothiazoline is a safe and effective anaesthetic method.

眠乃宁是一种在梅花鹿、马鹿和熊等草食、杂食野生动物上使用比较广泛的麻醉药。Miannaining is a good anaesthetic for animal such as deer, red deer and bear etc.

眠乃宁是一种在梅花鹿、马鹿和熊等草食、杂食野生动物上使用比较广泛的麻醉药。Miannaining is a good anaesthetic for animal such as deer, red deer and hear etc.

即使在手术过程中使用麻醉眼滴,病人仍然保持清醒。Patients remain awake and the procedure is carried out using anaesthetic eyedrops.

您可以有一个局部麻醉,大部分业务流失脓肿对皮肤。You can have a local anaesthetic for most operations to drain abscesses on the skin.

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临床胎位倒转术必须在轻度的局部麻醉下由临床医生来施行。Clinical version must be administered by a clinician with a mild topical anaesthetic.

那时候,牙科学刚起步,拔牙都不打麻药。In those days, dentistry was basic. Extractions were carried out without anaesthetic.

局部麻醉后,重新连接处女膜组织通常要花费30分钟左右的时间。Re-connecting the tissue of the hymen takes about 30 minutes under local anaesthetic.

合理的麻醉方法是抑制这些伤害性刺激的有效手段。Rational anaesthetic method is a effective mean to restrain these nociceptive stimulus.

SGAS如何阻碍病人体内的酵素对麻醉剂的分解的?。SGAS how is the ferment inside system of block up patient right of anaesthetic decompose?

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例如,手术程序所需的手术器械和麻醉设备。For example, surgical instruments and anaesthetic equipment are needed for surgery procedures.

因为可以通过局部麻醉来扰乱触觉,所以可以用手指进行实验。The finger was used because it is feasible to block the sense of touch with local anaesthetic.

这通常需要进行局部麻醉,并且要住院一晚。This is usually done under local anaesthetic and often involves an overnight stay in hospital.