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风也暖和起来了。The breeze is warmer.

比过圣诞节温馨。Warmer than Christmas.

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她比富兰克更热情。She was warmer than Frank.

印美之间的关系已经缓和很多了。It's certainly getting warmer.

地球比以前暧多了。The earth becomes much warmer.

天气是越来越暧和了。It's getting warmer and warmer.

在低海拔区会暖和些。It was warmer at lower elevations.

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天气让我发懒。When are we getting warmer weather?

春天天气变得更暖和了。The weather in spring became warmer.

防空洞里无疑要暖和多。It was certainly warmer in the dugouts.

天气逐渐变暖。The weather is gradually getting warmer.

暖空气上升,而较冷的空气下降。Warmer air rises, while cooler air falls.

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然而,这些都要归咎于全球变暖吗?But are warmer global temperatures to blame?

有时候我会希望天气再暖和一点,I wish it was a little bit warmer sometimes,

未付的余额留到比较暖和的月份再付。The balance is held until the warmer months.

我的坟冢遂感应温暖甜蜜。And all my grave shall warmer and sweeter be.

冰球场比你想象的要温暖的多。Hockey rinks are a lot warmer than you think.

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房间里会比外面冷空气暖和吗?Is the room warmer than the cold air outside?

阳光热力渐强,天气也日渐温暖。Warmer grow the sunbeams , and softer the air.

我要漆上黄色让它看起来温暖些。I am gonna paint it yellow to make it look warmer.