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结果是各方僵持不下。The result is a global standoff.

卫星在冷战期间是触发核战的平衡点。Satellites were key to the cold-war nuclear standoff.

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这是几十年来不稳定平衡的最新的篇章。This is the latest chapter in a decades-long uneasy standoff.

但这些并不会导致双方的冷战状态。None of this seems likely to lead to a cold war-style standoff.

直至2005,看似平和的核危机将于北韩再度升温。Late 2005, the nuclear standoff in North Korea is coming to a boil.

僵持板安装在一个头板外侧。A standoff plate is mounted to an exterior side of the header plate.

一名警察随后与歹徒僵持,直至该嫌犯吞枪自杀。A police standoff ensued, and ended only when the suspect shot himself.

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赛力和杰夫的辩论水平都很出色,所以辩论以平局结束.Sally and Jeff both have excellent arguments so the debate ended in a standoff.

同时,安德斯进入了太空混战并与塞昂侵略者持续僵持。Anders enters the space melee and has a surprising standoff with a Cylon raider.

大卫派教徒与联邦调查局之间的僵局已持续了差不多两个月。The standoff between the Davidians and the FBI dragged out for almost two months.

这个反政府团体是在德州韦科出现僵局之后,于1993年成立的。This anti-government group was founded in 1993 after the standoff in Waco, Texas.

科特迪瓦仅于近日新总统瓦塔拉上任后结束其政治危机。The standoff only recently ended after President Alassane Ouattrara assumed power.

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这个反政府组织是在得克萨斯州的韦科镇出现了僵局之后,于1993年成立的。This anti-government group was founded in 1993 after the standoff in Waco , Texas.

华盛顿可能要遇到今年的第三次严重的议会和白宫的对立。Washington could be facing its third major Congress-White House standoff this year.

持续的僵局使这个中亚国家担心将来再次发生暴力事件。The continuing standoff has the Central Asian nation concerned about further violence.

刀锋上前阻拦,对峙中半仙一脚踩空,堕入泥潭之内!Blade stepped forward to stop in the standoff BanXian a foot empty, falling mire within!

这位来自密苏里州韦伯城的男子在与警方对峙两个半小时后和平投降。The Webb City, Missouri man surrendered peacefully after a two-and-a-half-hour standoff.

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伊朗方面否认进入伊拉克领土,但是在三天的僵持之后,离开了油田。Iran denied entering Iraqi territory but only left the oil field after a three-day standoff.

瑞典政府则不这么认为,所以一场妙趣横生的对峙将不可避免。The Swedish government isn't so sure, and thus it seems an interesting standoff is in store.

而且由于政客们的僵持,对危机四伏的汽车工业的财政支持也在被拖延着。And financial aid for the beleaguered auto industry is being stalled by a political standoff.