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你介意在这里抽烟吗?Do you mind sm oing here?

希明是健康食品的信徒。SM is a health food believer.

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食蚁兽先生是一种小型的蓝色哺乳动物。A ardv ark is a sm all and blue m amm al.

神经鞘磷脂作为第二信使也参与此过程。SM may be a second messenger involved in this process.

能够促进毛细血管及新生小动脉形成。SM promoted blood capillary, arteriole and venule form.

是一种药用植物,在我国有悠久之历史。Sm. is a medicinal plant which haa a long history in China.

由于到拉丁美洲销售稳定,美国苯乙烯供应已偏紧。US SM supply has tightened amid steady sales to Latin America.

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大熊只需一击就可以把你的肋骨打断。A single blow from an adult be ar could sm ash in your rib- cage.

这是由不同格位的钐离子间的电荷转移引起的。It is result from the electron transfer between Sm ions at different sites.

相反,他们有他们所谓的'多型引擎',而且是每钐之一。Instead, they have what they call a 'polymorph engine', and there is one per SM.

提示丹参可作为一良好的外源性氧自由基清除剂。It suggested that SM could be regarded as a good exogenous scavenger of oxygen free radical.

介绍了模拟产生类镍离子电子碰撞激发X光激光全过程的系列程序。Ni-like Sm X-ray laser pumped by double short duration pulse was simulated with series code.

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杜伊斯贝格的任期显示了来自一个较小国家、受众人尊重的行长的价值。Mr Duisenberg's tenure showed the value of a well-respected president from a sm aller country.

这里所用的引述就是李资政在对话会上的演讲全文的部份内容。The quote use in this article is extracted from the speech given by SM Lee during the dialogue.

笔记本电脑比台式电脑效率更高,小屏幕电视比宽屏电视要好。A lliabsleop is more efficient than a desktop and a sm screen TV is well than a wide flat-screen.

有时他们也上小课,提出问题并讨论教授所讲内容。Sometimes they also attend a sm aller class to ask questions and discuss wh at the professors ays.

张先生提到李资政在庆祝75岁大寿时发布该书,难道还要考虑别人输了股票心情不好吗!In his commentary, Zhang Muqin mentioned that SM Lee chose his 75th birthday to launch his memoirs.

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介子衰变的研究对标准模型精确检验,CP破坏研究以及探寻新物理提供了良好的场所。B meson decays provide a good place to test the SM , CP violation and to search for the new physics.

本文研究了六相同步电机气隙磁通定向的矢量控制方法的数字化实现。Second, the air gap flux-oriented vector control of six-phase SM is researched in this dissertation.

这12个男孩都受过良好的训练,在娱乐圈,他们投入了大量的精力在他们的梦想。The 12 boys are all well trained in SM Entertainment and they put a lot of effort into their dreams.