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山东士族具有文化性和地方性。Shantung literati was cultural and regional.

山东海岸边的村庄房子都用石头建造。Houses in Shantung coastal villages were built of stone.

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河北、山东等省也有许多这样的包围。And there are many similar instances in Hopei and Shantung Provinces.

在河南和鲁西也成立了类似的政府。Similar governments came into being in Honan and in western Shantung.

他们清醒地知道日本人在满洲里和山东的所作所为。They realize acutely what the Japanese have done in Manchuria and Shantung.

第四部分,对山东省中小学教师队伍的现状进行分析。Part four, to analyze the status quo of Shantung elementary and secondary teachers.

与此同时,在东面靠近山东省的地方也在进行同样的准备。At the same time, over on the east near Shantung Province, similar preparations went on.

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沂蒙山区,指山东省的沂山、蒙山一带地区。Yimeng Mountain Area refers to the region of the Yi and Meng Mountains in Shantung Province.

海军陆战队第六师将参与山东半岛青岛-烟台区域的占领。The Sixth Division will participate in the occupation of the Tsingtao-Chefoo area of Shantung Province.

在此背景下,中国劳工营于1916年秋正式成立,他们中的大部分人是山东的佃农,并同英军签有三年契约。Most were peasants from the province of Shantung in North China, who were indentured to the British army for three years.

对我省中小学师资队伍现状的全面把握,是对其继续教育教学模式进行优化组合的现实依据。Part five, to optimize the teaching-learning models of continuing education on Shantung elementary and secondary teachers.

济南是国民党在山东省的战略要地,国民党以第二绥靖区的十万余人守备济南。Tsinan a strategic position of the kuomintang in shantung province was garrisoned by over110000men of the kuomintang2nd pacification zone.

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王仲廉原任国民党第四兵团司令官,因为一九四七年七月在鲁西南战役中失败,于八月被撤职。Wang Chung-lien, Commander of the Kuomintang's 4th Army, was dismissed in August 1947 for his defeat in the Southwestern Shantung campaign in July.

最近在苏北、鲁南、鲁西、晋西等地几次作战中,许多蒋军部队士气的下降已到了很大的程度。During the recent fighting in northern Kiangsu , southern and western shantung and western Shansi, the morale of many of Chiang's forces sank to a very low level.

〔2〕攻济打援,是指一九四八年九月人民解放军在济南战役中所采取的作战方法。The Laiwu campaign was a campaign of mobile warfare fought by the Eastern China People's Liberation Army in the Laiwu region, southeast of Tsinan, Shantung Province.

一次,他厌恶某诗人之诗,就直说那“正是东京学究饮私酒,食瘴死牛肉,醉饱后所发者也。”When he disliked the verse of a certain poet, he characterised it as "the composition of a Shantung school-teacher after sipping bad liquor and eating tainted beef".

鲁北的北县有个地主婆,强迫一个佃农咬一个丫环的小脚,供她取乐。In Peihsien County in northern Shantung I found a landlord's wife who derived pleasure out of forcing her husband's tenant to bite the bound feet of her maid servant.

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当然,徐献堂和他的风水师朋友事先检视了房子的能量,幸运的我们的房子获得不错的评价而陶师应允住下来了。Of course, Shantung Hsu and his Feng Shui friends checked out the energy before they would allow the Master to move in. fortunately our house got good marks and Tao was allowed to stay.

龙之帝国以五爪金龙为其象征,此种传奇式之爬虫,自创世以来,并无其物。The imperial kingdom was symbolized by a five- clawed golden dragon, a legendary reptile nonexistent since Creation. of her indigenous produces shantung commanded the broadest popularity.

然而,上述影响汉士地域分布的主要因素,并无法充分解释山东地区的「没落」,因此最后将另辟一节,观察宗教气氛的弥漫对该地发展的影响。However, these reasons cannot adequately explain the "decline" of the Shantung region. Therefore, attention is given at the end of the paper to the influence of religiosity on this region.