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反抗与控制有关。Rebellion is about control.

船员们准备公开反叛。The crew was ready for open rebellion.

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叛乱最终被镇压下去。At last the rebellion was crushed down.

他带领军队平判了一场叛乱。Leading troops, he quelled a rebellion.

他带领军队平息了一场叛乱。Leading troops, he quelled a rebellion.

摇摆乐是青少年的反叛音乐。Rock is the music of teenage rebellion.

第二年他们就揭竿起义了。The next year they rose up in rebellion.

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由米利都发生的爱奥尼亚叛乱开始when Miletus starts the Ionian rebellion.

康妮的反抗的感觉,潜然地滋生了。A sense of rebellion smouldered in Connie.

压迫逼得他们公开造反。Oppression drove them into open rebellion.

我们会帮助人民起义。We will help the people in that rebellion.

但此类行为统统都属忤逆不肖。But all such is disobedience and rebellion.

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他们在我们的部队中煽动叛乱。They sowed rebellion broadcast in our army.

如果你没加入反抗军的话,赶快来吧。If you haven’t already – join the rebellion.

反叛是北野武电影的重要特征。Rebellion was his films' important character.

这是由于军队内部的反叛行为。Due to the internal rebellion within the army.

天王星代表突然性的改变和反叛。Uranus represents sudden change and rebellion.

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很快叛乱就被李镒镇压了。The rebellion was soon was crushed by the li yi.

在被押送登船后,桑克便展开一系列的反抗。Cinqué initiates a rebellion on board the vessel.

几天之内武装叛乱就被镇压下去了。The armed rebellion was quelled only in a few days.