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他们表现出内疚了吗?Did they behave guiltily?

我进来时,她内疚地抬起了头。She looked up guiltily as I came in.

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他很内疚地回头一瞥。He glanced guiltily over his shoulder.

他内疚地把脸埋在手里。He buried his face in his hands guiltily.

表现出一副有罪的样子,他们就会判你有罪。Act guiltily and they'll judge you guilty.

如果我向某人说谎了,我再面对她时会内疚。If I tell a lie to somebody, I will face her guiltily.

还是充满歉意地道歉,承诺整晚都等着收电子邮件?Guiltily apologize, promising to be on email all night?

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当我问他正在干什么时,他内疚地笑了。When I asked him what he was doing, he smiled guiltily.

我内疚地接过一枝点上,心满意足地抽起来。I took one guiltily , lit it and smoked with satisfaction.

“我只是偶尔抽点烟”外公内疚地说。"I just smoke occasionally. " my grandfather said guiltily.

“十几次,”嘉莉心虚地重复道,“不,没有。你是什么意思?”"A dozen times, " repeated Carrie, guiltily. "No, but what do you mean?"

看看你的办公室,最有立体感的人都有着糟糕的姿势。And, look around your office, most cube workers are guiltily of bad posture.

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有时想起衣橱角落里的那把小提琴,我不禁感到有些内疚。I occasionally thought guiltily of the violin sitting in the back of the wardrobe.

当我问他正干什么时,他内疚地笑了,然后把那个大包拿到了桌上。When I asked him what he was doing, he smiled guiltily and then put the parcel on the desk.

当我问他在做什么时,他讪讪地笑笑,然后把大包放在桌上。When I asked him what he was doing , he smiled guiltily and then put the parcel on the desk.

离异父亲提供他们的慰问和内疚地咕哝着,作为一个继母是“世界上最吃力不讨好”。Divorced dads offer their condolences and mutter guiltily that being a stepmother is "the most thankless task in the world".

奶酪轻烧在上面,酱料是甜的,并且披萨提供给我们沉浸的温暖舒适的感觉。The cheese it lightly burned on top, the sauce is sweet, and the pizza provides a warm comfort that we guiltily indulged in.

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后来她想起了酷热的天气,又不好意思地在沙发上坐了下来,正在这时一个穿着新洗的衣服的保姆搀着一个小女孩走进屋子来。Then she remembered the heat and sat down guiltily on the couch just as a freshly laundered nurse leading a little girl came into the room.

当我问他正在干什么时,他内疚地笑了,然后乞求我别告诉他的父母这件事。When I asked him what he was doing, he smiled guiltily and then told me that he was playing computer games and begged me not to tell his parents.

毛笔是中国传统的书画工具,毛笔的珍品为“湖笔”,它被誉为中国文房四宝之首。Brush is Chinese traditional tools for writing and drawing. The guiltily brush is caller "lake Brush"it is in the first rote of the four main elements.