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收件人会兑现它。The recipient will encash it.

对收信者要称呼对方的全名。Address the recipient by Full Name.

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申请者必须是从生得救的基督徒。The recipient must be a re-born Christian.

如果你知道这个期限,告诉你的接收者。If you know when that is, tell your recipient.

令牌对于带外的接收方必须是已知的。The token must be known to the recipient out of band.

阿黛瑞尔目前还是索罗斯基金的赞助对象。Addario is also a recipient of the Soros Foundation Grant.

要么是收礼人根本不喜欢,要么是东西送错了尺寸。Either the recipient hates them or they're the wrong size.

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也称“起首语”,是对收信人的称呼。Also known as the " chapeau", is the recipient of the call.

受赠单位主要是私人或非营利组织。The recipient entities would be mainly private or nonprofit.

情报接收者需要特殊的放映设备才能阅读胶片信息。The recipient would read the microdot with a special viewer.

卡洛琳是位扶轮基金会有功服务奖受奖人。Carolyn is a recipient of the Citation for Meritorious Service.

终点——任何类型的Tivoli操作的最终接受者Endpoint -- The final recipient of any type of Tivoli operation

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富米政权成了美国军事援助的接受者。The Phoumi regime became the recipient of American military aid.

维尔加这封信的收信人。这篇小说就是以这种形式来叙述的。The recipient of Verga's letter, in which form the story is cast.

直接通过重新计算触发机制从邮件收件人获取Directly from the Email recipient via re-compute trigger mechanism

此外,往受体细胞移植基因编码也有缺陷。Moreover, transplanting the code into recipient cells was failing.

除了收件人,电子邮件是可以被许多人看到的。They are available to a number of people other than the recipient.

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供体膀胱瓣与受体膀胱全层缝合。The recipient bladder and donor bladder patch were then anastomosed.

拖放,等待条件完成的契据和倍数收件人功能被支持。Drag-and-drop, escrow and multiple recipient functions are supported.

想想收件人的风格,以及他们最可能怎样写电邮。Think about your recipient and how they’d most likely write an e-mail.