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上周我去埃普索姆赛马,结果输得精光!Epsom last week and lost my shirt on the first race!

第六天晚饭不吃,晚上六点喝一杯加入一茶匙泻盐的温水。At 6pm take one tea spoon of epsom salt in a glass of warm water.

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该浴盐由泻盐、花瓣和芳香精油构成。Made from Epsom Salts, flower petals and fragrant essential oils.

这个新西兰奥克兰大学塞马分校的学生所完成的一项作业。A group assignment produced by students at Epsom Campus, University of Auckland.

试试用泻盐好好洗个热水澡,对减轻背痛很有效的哦。Try taking nice hot bath with Epsom salts to help relieve some of your back pain.

下次你在泻盐中洗澡时,记得扔几汤匙的黄色芥末进去。Next time you take a bath in Epsom salt, throw in a few tablespoons yellow mustard too.

叫我老奶奶,但我喜欢泻盐浴和它们令人惊喜的健康福利。Call me an old granny, but I love Epsom salt baths and their surprising health benefits.

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对清洗硅粉的部分废水可以用来做七水硫酸镁精制时的配制水。The water from cleaning silicon residue could be used as water-confected in refining epsom salt.

芥末有助于提高泻盐的缓和作用,同时,还能帮助放松僵硬的疼痛的肌肉。The mustard will enhance the soothing effects of the Epsom salt and also help to relax stiff, sore muscles.

“的活性成分,我们使用的这项研究,硫酸镁,是更好地称为泻盐,”索普说。The active ingredient we used in this study, magnesium sulfate, is better known as Epsom salt, " Thorp said."

在1944年底,蒙哥马利将军的“爱普生”计划被武装党卫队击退。At the end of June 1944, General Montgomery was out-fought by the Waffen-SS in the course of his Operation Epsom.

所以自从我有点入了迷后,我想出了凉爽的泻盐浴,那是炎热和紧张的夏天的完美解毒剂。So since I'm kind of addicted, I've devised a cooling Epsom salt bath that is the perfect antidote to a hot, stressy summer day.

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泡澡的时候放一点浴盐可以有效地舒缓压力、放松肌肉,让身体在一整天工作之后好好地放松一下。Soaking in epsom salts will help relieve stress and soothe your muscles, allowing your body to unwind after a long day on the job.

浮箱的面积比双人床稍大,里面装有齐膝深的温水,水中溶解了360公斤的浴盐。The tanks are slightly larger than a twin-sized bed, filled with 10 inches of body-temperature water and about 800 pounds of Epsom salts.

在浴缸温水中加入2杯泻盐,放入黄瓜1切片,少许撕碎的薄荷叶和随意的三滴依兰纯精油。To a tub of tepid water add 2 cups Epsom salt, stir in 1 sliced cucumber, a handful of torn peppermint leaves, and an optional 3 drops ylang ylang pure essential oil.