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我会把这只龙虾烤着吃。I'll broil the lobster.

他吃龙虾肚子不舒服。Lobster doesnt' like him.

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我也要一盘龙虾。I'll have a lobster plate, too.

龙虾的旺季就要到了。Lobster thermidor is coming up.

他说他还自己煮过一只龙虾。He has also boiled a live lobster.

南澳特产龙虾。South Australian lobster products.

欢迎您来合肥参加龙虾节!Lobster is Cheap and Fine in Hefei!

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不过应叫做“喜相逢——小虾迎龙虾”。But call it " Shrimps Invite Lobster".

沙田养殖龙虾行不行?。Does sand flat cultivation lobster go?

赛美多龙虾纽堡蟹肉。Lobster Thermidor or Crabmeat Newburg.

小虾米配龙虾酱是谁的?Who was the shrimp with lobster sauce?

那道红烧小龙虾真的太好吃了。That braised lobster is just delicious.

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他津津有味地吃着大龙虾。He takes great delight in eating lobster.

兰基。劳伦斯失去了他的情妇和龙虾。Lanky Lawrence lost his lass and lobster.

为这顿龙虾宴我花去五十元。I blew fifty dollars on the lobster dinner.

兰基。劳伦斯失去了他的情妇和龙虾吗?Did Lanky Lawrence lose his lass and lobster?

龙虾?情愿是香辣小龙虾!Lobster? the joss-stick hot crayfish is better!

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吃货去哪儿去吃盱眙龙虾最好?。Where to eat food to eat Xuyi lobster the best?

没有擦防晒霜我会晒得和龙虾一样红通通的。Without sunscreen i'll get as red as a lobster.

“这是一个咖喱龙虾沙拉,”维多利亚说。"It's a curried lobster salad, " Victoria said.