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实例胜过抽象理解。Example is better than percept.

这是真正的商业箴言。That's the true business percept.

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一盎司的幸运胜过一磅的智慧。An ounce of practice is worth a pound of percept.

正直,行为积极,持久的准则。She was an active and constant percept for decent behaviour.

从苏格拉底身上可以感知哲学的使命以及知识分子的使命。We can percept the mission of philosophy as well as of intellectuals by Socrates.

高内控的个体能知觉到更高的组织和谐。Individuals with high internal control tendency percept higher level of organizational harmony.

这个构造也许刚好可以将感觉皮质的活性结合成单一统整的知觉。This structure may be perfectly situated to bind the activity of the sensory cortices into a single, coherent percept.

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饭后一只果被奉为金科玉律,但医学家却提出了异议。Eating fruit is regarded as the golden rule and precious percept after a meal, but physicians put forward the objection.

本书的关注点在对课文的理解和感悟上,引导学习者体会汉语所涉及的社会文化。The book focuses on understanding the text, helping the learner to percept the social culture involved in the Chinese language.

特定知觉需要特定的神经元网络,而非极度活化神经元的随机组合。A specific network of neurons is needed for a specific percept , not any random collection of neurons that become highly active.

良基公司也为拥有此业绩感到自豪,欢迎您到长安街上走一下,认识良基并感受良基。Liangji Company also takes pride in such achievements and welcomes you to walk on Chang'an Boulevard to recognize and percept Liangji.

然后组织学生朗读,让学生对文章内容作一个全面的、大致的了解,知道这篇文章主要写了什么内容,从而感知课文情境。Then the students should be organized to read out the text and comprehend the main idea of the text so as to percept the scene of text.

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一般国外指跨国军火走私商、黑帮、恐怖组织,在国内,读者可以根据自身理解判断。High risk group, western society refers to gangster, terrorists and gunrunner etc. But in China, readers need percept them by imagination.

文字已经从最早的被用于事件记载的载体,逐渐的演化成为人类用来感知世界,传达情感的工具。The character has been used to record events by human, now it has gradually evoluted to a tool of human to percept the world and convey emotion.

我们不能说“十”是从知觉之中抽象出来的,因为凡是可以看成是十个的有关某种事物的任何知觉,也都可以同样地看成是别的数目。We cannot say that "ten" is abstracted from perception, for any percept which can be viewed as ten of some kind of thing can equally well be viewed otherwise.

关心你的孩子自然是退出尼特使用的标语,这是什么知觉旨在传达与品牌重塑和包装重新设计视觉。Caring for your child naturally, is the tagline used by Quit Nits and this is what Percept aimed to convey visually with the rebranding and packaging re-design.

通过室内仿真试验,比较了高信息量条件下,驾驶人对两种指路标志信息布设方式认知时间的差异。Given large amount of information, this paper compares the needed times for drivers to percept two signs of different text formats through a lab simulation test.

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是由独立确立学习目标和计划的能力、认知能力、阅读能力等多种心理机能参与的一种综合性能力。That is, the self-education ability is a kind of synthetic skills in which the abilities to aim, to plan, to percept and read-many kinds of mental states-are included.

在平面设计中虽然视觉对象本身是静止的,但图形与色彩的变化表现出各种动态力,促使平面视觉变得积极活跃。Though, in the planar design, the visual percept itself is at rest, the changes of the figure and colors show a variety of dynamic forces so as to make the planar vision active.

结论通过对城市旅游意象要素的空间组织和设计,可加强旅游意象要素的可意象性,使游客产生强烈的感知。Conclusion The legibility of image factors and percept of tourist were strengthened through organizing and designing the factors of urban tourism image in spatial landscape of urban.