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而是tickle,这是镁。It's tickle. This is mag.

镁是极限反应物。Mag is the limiting reagent.

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现在人们叫做哲学杂志。People just know it as Phil Mag.

我订了你们公司的杂志。I subscribed to your company's mag.

每个弹夹中与M82载弹量相同。Same number of bullets per mag as M82.

汉堡包,比萨饼,我都喜欢。Hamburger und Pizza mag ich auch alles.

女儿麦格也该买条裙子了。Her daughter Mag should have another dress.

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不可向任何财务公司借钱。Loan to any financial company. Mag loan sa banko.

特价的有效期限到五月三十日。The Special price will be effective until Mag 30.

我们如何知道,镁会还原四氯化钛?How do we know that mag will reduce titanium tetrachloride?

最初,MAG绳索只有飞荡这一个的功能。Initially, the swing function is the only feature of the MAG Rope.

他虽然没来过中国,但是却很喜欢中国文化。Obwohl er noch nie in China war, mag er dennoch die chinesische Kultur sehr.

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他可曾出卖灵魂给哪家烂报纸而使得他自己的家人被像老鹰争食的肉一样到处惊慌而逃?Did he sell his soul to a rag mag for his family to be hawked around like meat?

我希望跟我一起健身的20岁男孩们可别从他们的杂志里把我认出来。I just hope all the 20-year-old boys at the gym don't recognise me in their mag.

054摩尔,远比两倍要少,镁是极限反应物。This is much less that two times 1,054, so therefore mag is the limiting reagent.

晚会菜肴包括了海鲈鱼和鸭子等美食。The early evening soiree included a fancy meal of sea bass and duck, the mag reported.

“蝙蝠侠和布鲁斯.韦恩的故事将在这里做一个终结,”诺兰在接受杂志采访时表示。"It's really all about finishing Batman and Bruce Wayne's story, " Nolan tells the mag.

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如果你去读读1911年哲学杂志的的669页,你将看到卢瑟福的模型就和这展示的一样。So, if you go and read Phil Mag 669-1911, you'll see Rutherford's model as it's presented.

双丝MAG焊接具有良好的发展前景,正广泛应用于各项工程领域之中。Being with the good prospect, double-wire MAG welding is applicable for the all engineering field.

但是这个反应告诉我们,镁的量应该是四氯化钛的两倍,如果要反应完全的话。But, the reaction says I need twice as much mag as tickle if this reaction is going to go to completion.