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成年鸣禽前脑的某些区域具有神经元的再生现象。Neurogenesis occurs in some areas of the telencephalon of adult songbirds.

医学及解剖学上,多用大脑指代端脑。In medicine and anatomy, the use of the term to refer to the telencephalon.

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此外,亚成体端脑内细胞形态和大小分化较为单一。Besides, the shape and size of neurons within the telencephalon are in poor differentiation.

结论感染血吸虫小鼠在血吸虫肝纤维化过程中,端脑组织PBR表达水平显著增加。Conclusion PBR expression is high in the telencephalon of schistosomiasis mice with liver fibrosis.

目的观察正常发育中鸡胚端脑凋亡神经元的分布、迁移规律。Objective To investigate the spatial distribution of apoptotic neurons in developing telencephalon of chicken embryo.

前脑大脑胚胎三个主要区域中最靠前的一个,端脑与间脑从这里发育左迷走神经的其余部分分布到胃前壁。The most anterior of the three primary regions of the embryonic brain from which the telencephalon and diencephalon develop.

在胚胎期GRP78蛋白在脑组织的表达呈现从端脑到后脑逐渐降低的趋势。In addition, the expression of GPR78 displayed the levels in tendency to decrease from telencephalon to metencephalon during embryonic period.

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结论从胚鼠端脑分离培养的细胞具有自我更新能力和多潜能分化能力,为中枢神经系统的干细胞。Conclusion The cells from fetal rat telencephalon possess multipotency and self renew ability and is believed to be BSCs of the central nervous system.

经实验证实,放射状胶质细胞可以产生大脑皮质的投射神经元,但是不产生源于端脑腹侧的中间神经元。Confirmed by experiment, Radial Glia can generate virtually all cortical projection neurons but not the interneurons originating in the ventral telencephalon.

中药防治端脑皮质神经细胞形态学异常的作用与端脑皮质中EPO的变化没有相关性。There is no correlation between the preventive reaction of Chinese herbs on the abnormity of cytomorphology of neurocyte and the changes of EPO contents in the cortex of telencephalon.

视觉信息加工中的离中调控回路视觉信息从视网膜上传到大脑,经过各个水平上的加工形成视觉感知。Neuronal circuitry for centrifugal modulation in visual information processing. Visual information is transmitted and processed from the retina to the telencephalon where visual perception results.