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气孔分布区内的表皮细胞有时为多边形。Epidermal cells on areas with stomata are polygonous.

外果皮由一层表皮细胞构成。The exocarp contains only one layer of epidermal cells.

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在这些部位,表皮胚芽向下生出息入真皮。Epidermal buds grow down into the dermis at these sites.

表皮细胞为长方形,纵向排列。The epidermal cells are oblong, longitudinally extended.

中毒性表皮坏死松解症在新生儿期非常罕见。Toxic epidermal necrolysis is very rare in the newborn period.

是植物用来排出体内多余水份的特化分泌结构。A water-excreting microscopic epidermal structure in many plants.

甲周皮围绕手指甲或脚指甲的表面组织边缘。The border of epidermal tissue surrounding a fingernail or toenail.

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根毛是植物根部表皮细胞上的一些管状突起。Root hairs are long tubular outgrowths from epidermal cells of roots.

白癜风由于表皮黑素细胞的功能丧失而引起。Vitiligo is associated with the function loss of epidermal melanocytes.

报告1例传染性软疣伴发表皮囊肿。A case of molluscum contagiosum occurring in epidermal cyst is reported.

而且当Sox9丧失时皮肤不会修复上皮组织的损伤。Moreover, the skin did not repair epidermal wounds well when Sox9 was missing.

表皮细胞接触处密生齿状突起,且互相嵌合。Contact with the epidermal cells of Health dentate processes, and mutual chimera.

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冬孢子堆呈暗褐色或黑色,覆盖在完整的寄生表皮下显得发亮。Telia are dark brown or black, and shine from the intact host epidermal covering.

他们嘴周围的表皮褶皱能收集微粒分析气味。The epidermal folds around their mouths collect molecules for olfactory analysis.

因而初步证明保卫细胞和表皮细胞液泡所含颗粒状物质是蛋白质。So the particles in vacuoles of guard cell and epidermal cell proved to be protein.

已发现皮肤黑素细胞是一种具有免疫学功能的新型细胞。Evidences showed that epidermal melanocytes are a new type of immunocompetent cells.

是植物中一种特化的肾形表皮细胞,位于气孔两侧。Guard cell A specialized kidney-shaped epidermal cell, located to the side of a STOMA.

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一个感器联结着两个特化的真皮细胞和一个双极神经元。Two specialized epidermal cells and a bipolar neuron are associated with each sensillum.

目的研究表皮细胞培养膜片的冷冻保存。Objective The Aim is to study the cryopreservation of the cultured epidermal cell sheets.

相关属的叶表皮微形态特征与粗叶木属植物较为相似。The leaf epidermal morphology of the related genera in Rubiaceae is similar to Lasianthus.