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学校自助餐厅里的饭菜确实很差。The food is really icky in the school cafeteria.

便宜的鞋子,像讨厌的布料一样,让人一目了然。Cheap shoes, much like icky fabric, look obvious.

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没有,我在最后还觉得有点恶心呢。No, I feel kind of icky actually at the end, I do.

为什么弄这种讨厌的绿色?实在让人作呕。Why did you get that icky green colour? It's awful!

它们让我觉得讨厌、恶心并且不舒服。They make me feel really icky and gross and uncomfortable.

那个焦糖布丁太过于甜腻了以致于我没办法吃下去。The caramel pudding was so sweet and icky that I could hardly eat it.

“救命啊”公主大叫,她陷在了泥泞,长满刺的冰冷的护城河里。"Help" said the princess, who had sunk into the sticky, icky mud in the moat.

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那么,对现在的你来说,这都听起来有些恶心的,但是,对成年人来说,这感觉非常好。Well, it all sounds kinda icky to you right now, but to adults, it feels really good.

那些在危地马拉宾馆里黏黏的被单,我其实不必碰它。Those icky sheets in a Guatemalan hotel room? Turns out that I didn’t have to touch them.

不用嫌这个加油站的洗手间太脏而开车赶到下一个加油站。You never have to drive to another gas station restroom because this one is just too icky.

哈利有时试图让他烦人的表哥入麻烦,但总是适得其反。Harry may at times have tried to get his icky cousin into trouble, but it always backfired.

我会看它也许五分钟,我会得到这个讨厌的感觉,我把通道。I'll watch maybe five minutes of it, and I'll get this icky feeling, and I turn the channel.

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我喜欢这些糖,它们没有其他锌片让人胃不舒服的感觉。I LOVE these and they do not give you that icky feeling that zinc can sometimes do to your stomach.

从经典部分转向令人讨厌的部分,当镜头对准齐罗觐见室的阴影部分时要仔细。From the classy to the icky , be careful when it comes to peering in the shadows of Ziro's throne room.

哦,说说政治正确。那些又差又烂的游戏。它们没有竞争性。为什么我们不能玩合作性质的游戏?Oh, say the politically correct. Those bad, icky games. They're so competitive. Why can't we have cooperative games?

这有点怪。如果你是一个女人,难道你不知道怎样取悦自己吗?不过他们觉得这样是可以接受的。It was a little icky . If you're a women, don't you know how to please yourself? But they seemed to be okay with that one.

复仇只会让自取其辱。哈利有时试图让他烦人的表格陷入麻烦,但总是适得其反。Revenge tends to only make you look bad. Harry may at times have tried to get his icky cousin into trouble, but it always backfired.

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复仇只会让你自取其辱。哈利有时试图让他烦人的表哥惹上麻烦,但总是适得其反。Revenge tends to only make you look bad. Harry may at times have tried to get his icky cousin into trouble, but it always backfired.

双脚舒适,感觉真好,装扮得我更妖娆,那天晚上,黑灯瞎火,我却踩进了泥沼。My feet's best friends, pals to the end. With them I'm one hot chicky. Though late one night, not much light, I stepped in something icky.

可降解的杯子在那个冰冷的国度简直就是遥不可及的希望,因为它代表着个人主义的胜利。The collapsible cup was thus a telescopic beacon of hope in an icky world of strangers' germs, and a modest triumph of individuality to boot.