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若描叙物体的话还是起名为佳。For describing them, names are better.

这个博弈我们还没描述完整We haven't finished describing the game.

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下面是一个描述五角星形的多边形And this is a polygon describing a pentagram

这湖太美,非言语所能形容。The beauty of the lake is beyond describing.

之后他意识到,她是在坦述她自己的困惑。Then he realized she was describing her own.

描述不可执行的抽象流程。Describing non-executable abstract processes.

威士忌总括起来是描述一些烈酒。Whisky is a general term describing many spirits.

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对旧世界的描述,很容易以批评的态度出现。We often criticize the old world when describing it.

胥吏的职能分工细致,各司其职。The Xuli, describing the function division meticulous.

我们描述了圆周上一个点的运动We're describing the motion of a particle in a circle.

当我们研究平均水平,我们只是描述日常生活。When we study our average,we are describing our lives.

它正展现的是地球磁场的作用。It's describing the magnetic field of Earth, " she says.

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一段文字,诉说着悲喜爱恨。A paragraph describing the sorrows and joys love and hate.

沃霍尔所描述的那个未来时代正在朝我们走来吗?Are we nearing the future time that Warhol was describing?

林莉的父母亲正向他们的邻居描述这条狗。Lin Li's parents are describing the dog to their neighbors.

她描述了埃及南部的阿布辛拜勒神庙。She is describing the temple of Abu Simbel in southern Egypt.

使用一个GPX文件描述一个路径使之重现在设备上。Use a GPX file describing a route for playback to the device.

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返回一个用来描述已连接的控制杆的字符串集合。Returns an array of stings describing the connected joysticks.

我所描述的雄心,是在公众和政治方面。The ambition that I'm describing is a public and political one.

此套房子上下三个阳台,竟将洗衣房设于此处。The next three balcony suite son, describing laundries in here.